New in the Library: A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works, 11th Edition, by John Evans

We are pleased to announce that the library has recently acquired the 11th edition of A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works by Covenant alumnus Dr. John Evans. This essential resource is now available for use in the Reference section and at the circulation desk, and for check-out from the main Stacks.

The 11th edition (Zondervan Academic, 2025) maintains the work's reputation for offering concise summaries and assessments of an extensive range of commentaries, both modern and classic, covering each book of the Bible, and has been updated to include evaluations of the newest biblical commentaries. Evans’ Guide also includes useful appendices to assist pastors in building their own personal libraries. It is an incredibly helpful tool for selecting the best commentaries for research, exegesis, and preaching.

Dr. Evans currently teaches Old Testament and Hebrew at Union School of Theology in the UK.

Find A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works, 11th edition in the library catalog, or purchase your own copy from Amazon, Christianbook,, the PCA Bookstore, or your preferred retailer.


Library Acquisitions for January 2025


Library Acquisitions for November & December 2024