Library Acquisitions for January 2025
These are the books and e-books added to the Covenant Library in January 2025.
- Mothers, daughters & body image: learning to love ourselves as we are
Hilary L. McBride; foreword by Dr. Ramani Durvasula, PhD
Book - Kingdom ethics: following Jesus in contemporary context
David P. Gushee & Glen H. Stassen
Book - Global perspectives on science and Christianity
edited by Mike Brownnutt and Keith R. Fox
Book - Shaman and sage: the roots of "spiritual but not religious" in antiquity
Michael Horton
Book - Why everything that doesn't matter, matters so much: the way of love in a world of hurt
Charlie Peacock and Andi Ashworth
Book - The Dead Sea scrolls: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts with English translations
edited by James H. Charlesworth with F.M. Cross [and others]
Book - The Oxford annotated Mishnah: a new translation of the Mishnah with introductions and notes
edited by Shaye J.D. Cohen, Robert Goldenberg, Hayim Lapin
Book - The development of God in the Old Testament: three case studies in biblical theology
Markus Witte; translated by Stephen Germany
Book - On Christian doctrine
Translated with an introduction, by D. W. Robertson, Jr.
Book - Slaves of God: Augustine and other Romans on religion and politics
Toni Alimi
Book - Hippolytus of Rome: commentary on Daniel and 'Chronicon'
T.C. Schmidt; with contributions by Nick Nicholas
Book - The air we breathe: how we all came to believe in freedom, kindness, progress, and equality
Glen Scrivener
Book - The spirit of justice: true stories of faith, race, and resistance
Jemar Tisby
Book - How to end Christian nationalism
Amanda Tyler
Book - Christian History
Thomas S. Kidd
Book - Exploring the New Testament in Asia: Evangelical perspectives
editors, Samson L. Uytanlet and Bennet Lawrence
Book - The Westminster study Bible: new revised standard version updated edition with the Deuterocanonical/Apocryphal books
general editors, Emerson B. Powery, Stacy Davis, Mary F. Foskett, Brent A. Strawn; associate editors, J. Todd Hibbard, Jennifer L. Koosed, Davina C. Lopez, Henry W. Morisada Rietz, Claudia Setzer
Book - Mere Christian hermeneutics: transfiguring what it means to read the Bible theologically
Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Book - Song of Songs: a commentary
Adele Berlin; edited by Peter Machinist
Book - Acts 1-9:42
Steve Walton
Book - The Bible throughout the ages: its nature, interpretation, and relevance for today
Lydia Jaeger and Craig Bartholomew, editors
Book - The Old Testament as literature: foundations for Christian interpretation
Tremper Longman III
Book - Biblical theology: a canonical, thematic, and ethical approach
Andreas J. Köstenberger and Gregory Goswell
Book - Controversy of the ages: why Christians should not divide over the age of the earth
Theodore J. Cabal, Peter J. Rasor II
Book - Before the scrolls: a material approach to Israel's prophetic library
Nathan Mastnjak
Book - Encountering the Old Testament: a Christian survey
Bill T. Arnold and Bryan E. Beyer
Book - Hebrews
Douglas J. Moo
Book - Proverbs: the (trans)formation of character in accord with wisdom and virtue
Christopher B. Ansberry
Book - Job
Duane A. Garrett
Book - The language of trauma in the Psalms
Danilo Verde
Book - Reading wisdom and Psalms as Christian scripture: a literary, canonical, and theological introduction
Christopher B. Ansberry
Book - Lamentations
R. Reed Lessing
Book - Jonah: a commentary
L. Juliana M. Claassens
Book - Hearing the message of Habakkuk: living by faith in a violent world
Christopher J. H. Wright
Book - The letters to the Colossians and to Philemon
Douglas J. Moo
Book - In Paul's shadow: friends & foes of the great apostle
D. Edmond Hiebert
Book - John of history, Baptist of faith: the quest for the historical baptizer
James F. McGrath
Book - Reading Paul as Christian scripture: a literary, canonical, and theological introduction
Constantine R. Campbell
Book - Remarriage in early Christianity
A. Andrew Das
Book - Ethics in contexts: essays in honor of Wendell Lee Willis
edited by James W. Thompson, Richard A. Wright
Book - Matthew: an interpretation Bible commentary
Mark Allan Powell
Book - Lessons from the upper room: the heart of the Savior
Sinclair B. Ferguson
Book - John Chrysostom on Paul: praises and problem passages
introduction, translation, and notes by Margaret M. Mitchell
Book - Paul and imperial divine honors: Christ, Caesar, and the Gospel
D. Clint Burnett
Book - Paul and Judaism at the end of history
Matthew V. Novenson, Princeton Theological Seminary
Book - Rediscovering the wisdom of the Corinthians: Paul, stoicism, and spiritual hierarchy
Timothy A. Brookins
Book - Wisdom according to Paul in relation to the Corinthians problems: a sociological and rhetorical analysis of 1 Corinthians 1-4
Richard C. Rojas
Book - Homilies on Colossians
John Chrysostom; introduced, translated, and annotated by Pauline Allen
Book - Revelation: exegetical guide to the Greek New Testament
Alexander E. Stewart; Andreas J. Köstenberger, Robert W. Yarbrough, general editors
Book - Homilies on Paul's letter to the Philippians
John Chrysostom; introduced, translated, and annotated by Pauline Allen
Book - Galatians
Michael H. Burer
Book - Why God makes sense in a world that doesn't: the beauty of Christian theism
Gavin Ortlund
Book - God to us: covenant theology in scripture
Stephen G. Myers
Book - Jesus and divine Christology
Brant Pitre
Book - "Son of Man"
Richard Bauckham
Book - The work of Christ
John S. Hammett & Charles L. Quarles
Book - On the resurrection
Gary R. Habermas
Book - A theology of play: learning to enjoy life as God intended
Kevin M. Gushiken
Book - Reconciliation as a controversial symbol: an analysis of a theological discourse in South Africa
Demaine J. Solomons
Book - A learned discourse of justification, works, and how the foundation of faith is overthrown in modern English
Richard Hooker; edited by Bradford Littlejohn, Rhys Laverty and Ken Cook
Book - The pursuit of holiness
Jerry Bridges
Book - The hope of glory: a theology of redemption
Ian A. McFarland
Book - The coming of the Son of Man: New Testament eschatology for an emerging church
Andrew Perriman
Book - Kingdom come: the amillennial alternative
Sam Storms
Book - Every moment holy. volume 3: the work of the people
Douglas Kaine McKelvey
Book - Grace from heaven: prayers of the Reformation
Robert Elmer, editor
Book - Reformed government: Puritanism, historical contingency, and ecclesiatical politics in late Elizabethan England
edited by Polly Ha; assistant editors, Jonathan D. Moore & Edda Frankot
Book - Breaking bread: the emergence of eucharist and agape in early Christian communities
Alistair C. Stewart
Book - Live to be forgotten: Dixon Edward Hoste, China Inland Mission, and the indigenous Chinese church in early twentieth-century China
Patrick Fung
Book - Practicality of grace in Protestant theology
foreword by Dr. Peter Lillback; edited by Dr. Michael G. Maness & Kevaughn Mattis
Book - Theological education: principles and practices of a competency-based approach
Kenton C. Anderson, Gregory J. Henson
Book - On the Christian life: a new translation
John Calvin; introduced and edited by Anthony N. S. Lane; translated and annotated by Raymond A. Blacketer; with translation consultation by Kirk M. Summers
Book - Living in wonder: finding mystery and meaning in a secular age
Rod Dreher
Book - Imitating Christ: the disputed character of Christian discipleship
Luke Timothy Johnson
Book - Hidden in plain sight: one woman's search for identity, intimacy and calling
Becky Allender
Book - Understanding spiritual abuse: what it is and how to respond
Karen Roudkovski
Book - Who can you trust? overcoming betrayal and fear
Howard E. Butt, Jr.
Book - When faith disappoints: the gap between what we believe and what we experience
Lisa Victoria Fields, foreword by David Kinnaman
Book - Recovering our sanity: how the fear of God conquers the fears that divide us
Michael Horton
Book - Why we pray: understanding prayer in the context of cosmic conflict
John C. Peckham
Book - Minutes of the General Assembly
Book - Scottish Puritans: select biographies
edited by W.K. Tweedie, chiefly from the manuscripts of the Library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh
Book - Machen's hope: the transformation of a modernist in the New Princeton
Richard E. Burnett
Book - Die Theologie Calvins im Rahmen der europäischen Reformation
Christian Link
Book - Saving the Reformation: the pastoral theology of the Canons of Dort
W. Robert Godfrey
Book - A history of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period
Lester L. Grabbe
Book - God's long summer: stories of faith and civil rights
Charles Marsh; with a new preface by the author
Book - To change all worlds: critical theory from Marx to Marcuse
Carl R. Trueman
Book - The disappearance of rituals: a topology of the present
Byung-Chul Han; translated by Daniel Steuer
Book - The crisis of narration
Byung-Chul Han; translated by Daniel Steuer
Book - Planet Narnia: the seven heavens in the imagination of C.S. Lewis
Michael Ward
Book - A hobbit, a wardrobe, and a great war: how J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis rediscovered faith, friendship, and heroism in the cataclysm of 1914-1918
Joseph Loconte
Book - Word made fresh: an invitation to poetry for the church
Abram Van Engen
Book - A guide to Biblical commentaries and reference works
John F. Evans
Book - 1-2 Timothy & Titus
David W. Pao
eBook - A discourse analysis of Galatians and the new perspective on Paul
David I. Yoon
eBook - Christian history. Volume 2: from the Reformation to the present
Thomas S. Kidd
eBook - Faith and science: a primer for a hypernatural world
Kenneth D. Keathley
eBook - Gospel reading and reception in early Christian literature
edited by Madison N. Pierce, Andrew J. Byers, Simon Gathercole
eBook - His spear through my side into Luther: Calvin's relationship to Luther's doctrine of the will
Matthew C. Heckel
eBook - Hope for God's creation: stewardship in an age of futility
Andrew J. Spencer
eBook - Love become incarnate: essays in honor of Bruce D. Marshall
edited by Justus H. Hunter, T. Adam Van Wart, David L. Whidden, III
eBook - Navigating tough texts Volume 2: a guide to problem passages in the New Testament
Murray J. Harris
eBook - Reading the Psalms as scripture
James M. Hamilton, Jr. & Matthew Damico
eBook - Singing reconciliation: inhabiting the moral life according to Colossians 3:16
Amy Whisenand Krall
eBook - The Johannine prologue and its resonances
edited by Stanley E. Porter, David I. Yoon
eBook - The Old Testament, Calvin, and the Reformed tradition
Yudha Thianto
eBook - The Oxford classical dictionary
eBook - The Oxford dictionary of late Antiquity
edited by Oliver Nicholson
eBook - The Psalms: a Christ-centered commentary. Volume 1, Introduction: Christ and the Psalms
Christopher Ash
eBook - The Psalms: a Christ-centered commentary. Volume 2, Psalms 1-50
Christopher Ash
eBook - The Psalms: a Christ-centered commentary. Volume 3, Psalms 51-100
Christopher Ash
eBook - The Psalms: a Christ-centered commentary. Volume 4, Psalms 101-150
Christopher Ash
eBook - To change all worlds: critical theory from Marx to Marcuse
Carl R. Trueman