The Scribe
Writing Center
Coaching for every stage of the writing process
Effective Writing
The Scribe is Covenant Seminary’s Resource Center for Theological Writing. The Scribe can help you learn to write and communicate more clearly to better complete your assignments. Scribe consultants are happy to assist you with any area of writing, from choosing a topic to citing sources. You don’t have to have started your assignment, or even have a specific assignment in mind to visit The Scribe.
In-person and Online Consultations
Receive coaching on papers, reflections, resumes, and other writing projects. Scribe consultants are trained to coach and support you through all types of writing challenges including but not limited to decoding an assignment, coping with distractions while writing, using Turabian and APA style, writing in English as a second language, and building strong arguments.
Community Writing Hours
Drop by the Community Center for a weekly check-in, quick questions, a coaching session, or just to work in the company of your peers.
Fall 2024
Wednesdays, 12:15 p.m. – 1 p.m. -
Online Writing Webinars
These short video workshops provide strategies for addressing common writing obstacles.
Make an Appointment
In-person coaching sessions are held in the Tait Rare Book Room on the bottom floor of the Library.
If you have started writing, bring what you have and some questions if possible. If you have not started writing, bring some questions if possible.
For an online appointment we recommend using a computer, not a phone, and having your paper or materials opened before the appointment begins. This makes it easier for you to screen share your work during your appointment.
Walk-ins are welcome!
Students working on group papers must arrange for an appointment with the entire group to avoid plagiarism issues.
Students may receive a maximum of 90 minutes per week of Scribe coaching in addition to services offered during Community Writing Hours. Walk-in appointments count towards a student's weekly total.

Writing Reflection Exercises
Pause for Reflection #1
Where have you been? Where are you going?
Pause for Reflection #2
What are you learning? How are you being formed?