Library Acquisitions for November & December 2024
These are the books and e-books added to the Covenant Library in November and December 2024.
- Introducing postmodernism
Richard Appignanesi and Chris Garratt; with Ziauddin Sardar and Patrick Curry
Book - Ravenous wolves: shepherding the church in an age of narcissism
Michael Coggin
Book - Sermons from the life of Saint John Chrysostom
translation and introduction by David C. Ford
Book - Faithful exiles: finding hope in a hostile world
edited by Ivan Mesa & Elliot Clark
Book - Christian student development in a postmodern world: a qualitative study on the impact a postmodern worldview (social imaginary) has on the engagement of Christian college student affairs personnel with the hearts, minds, and practices of their Gen Z students
Kathleen G. Haase
eDissertation - Christian apologetics as cross-cultural dialogue
Benno van den Toren
Book - Martin Luther's ninety-five theses
edited by Stephen J. Nichols
Book - Table talk
Martin Luther; updated and revised from a translation by William Hazlitt
Book - Faithful disobedience: writings on church and state from a Chinese house church movement
Wang Yi, and others; edited by Hannah Nation and J.D. Tseng; foreword by Ian Johnson
Book - Christianity and liberalism
J. Gresham Machen; [foreword by Carl R. Trueman]
Book - The Oxford handbook of early Christian Biblical interpretation
edited by Paul M. Blowers and Peter W. Martens
Book - A critical and exegetical commentary on Deuteronomy
S.R. Driver
Book - The Psalms: a Christ-centered commentary
Christopher Ash
Book - Transformed by God: new covenant life and ministry
David G. Peterson
Book - Jesus Christ and the faith: a collection of studies
Philippe H. Menoud; translated by Eunice M. Paul
Book - Rediscovering Paul: an introduction to his world, letters, and theology
David B. Capes, Rodney Reeves and E. Randolph Richards
Book - Sonship
Book - Mark as Peter's testimony: the narrator and the witnesses in the Gospel of Mark
Oleksandr Bychkov
eDissertation - A critical and exegetical commentary on the epistles to the Ephesians and to the Colossians
T.K. Abbott
Book - The Letter to the Hebrews: critical readings
edited by Scott D. Mackie
Book - 1-3 John
Robert L. Plummer & E. Roderick Elledge
Book - More than conquerors: an interpretation of the book of Revelation
William Hendriksen
Book - Reading Revelation: a literary and theological commentary
Jamie Davies
Book - Apocalypse: then, now, and soon
Brent Lauder
Book - Early Christian thinkers: the lives and legacies of twelve key figures
edited By Paul Foster
Book - Christ, the Logos of creation: an essay in analogical metaphysics
John R. Betz
Book - The Holy Spirit: His person and ministry
Edwin H. Palmer
Book - La Santidad de Dios
R.C. Sproul
Book - The temple and the tabernacle: a study of God's dwelling places from Genesis to Revelation
J. Daniel Hays
Book - Echoes of Elisha in John's gospel: a case for the Elisha cycle as intertextual type-narrative
Jonathan M. Ray
eDissertation - Conceived by the Holy Spirit: the virgin birth in scripture and theology
Rhyne R. Putman
Book - Blessedness in the context of all the people of God: cohesiveness between biblical wisdom literature and the Matthean Sermon on the Mount
Cynthia B. Gooch
eDissertation - Salvation is from the Jews (John 4:22): the role of Judaism in salvation history from Abraham to the Second Coming
Roy H. Schoeman
Book - Multiethnic church planting in diaspora movements: practicing the heart of Christ to walk the diaspora road with migrant ministry leaders for the common good of the city
Bradley Thomas Wos
eDissertation - Is biblical womanhood obsolete?: Exploring new ways to teach biblical womanhood
Eowyn Stoddard
eDissertation - Expositional leadership: shepherding God's people from the pulpit
R. Scott Pace and Jim Shaddix
Book - Better together: senior pastors' engagement with church planting networks
Blake A. Altman
eDissertation - A plain and scriptural view of baptism
Daniel Baker
Book - Reformational theology of ministry: introducing a new perspective on the missiological context of the secular west
Andreas van Wijngaarden
eBook - Global outpouring: revival movements of the modern era
Book - Christmas Evans: the life and times of the one-eyed preacher of Wales
Tim Shenton
Book - Effective intercultural evangelism: good news in a diverse world
W. Jay Moon and W. Bud Simon
Book - Say it!: celebrating expository preaching in the African American tradition
general editor, Eric C. Redmond
Book - Doctor, will you pray for me? medicine, chaplains, and healing the whole person
Robert L. Klitzman, MD
Book - Is this domestic abuse? a handbook for Christian women who feel hopeless in their marriage
Rebecca Commean
Book - Lament and the voice of the veteran: theological hope in the aftermath of war
Seth H. George
eDissertation - Ethics as good news: investigating the spiritual formation of young adults
David Royes
eDissertation - On spiritual abuse: twenty-one lessons from the front lines
Michael Coggin
Book - Sacred endurance: finding grace and strength for a lasting faith
Trillia J. Newbell
Book - Surprised by Oxford: a memoir
Carolyn Weber
Book - Covenant Theological Seminary ATS Self Study: for evaluation visit of October 28-31, 2024
presented by the Self-Study Executive Committee
Book - Disabilità = Disability
Istituto di formazione evangelica e documentazione
Book - Deification in Eastern Orthodox theology: an evaluation and critique of the theology of Dumitru Stăniloae
Emil Bartos; foreword by Kallistos Ware
Book - Contours of leadership: from the life and ministry of John R. W. Stott
Anthony Thomas Bailey Jr.
eDissertation - Minutes of the General Assembly
Book - Calvin, exile, and religious refugees: papers of the Thirteenth International Congress on Calvin Research
Arnold Huijgen, Karin Maag (eds.)
Book - John Cotton: patriarch of New England
A.W. McClure, Edited by Nate Pickowicz
Book - Learning to disagree: the surprising path to navigating differences with empathy and respect
John Inazu; illustrations by John Hendrix
Book - Two become one: Christian marriage counseling and attachment
Kenneth M. Shomo
eDissertation - Enhancing adult motivation to learn: a comprehensive guide for teaching all adults
Raymond J. Wlodkowski, Margery B. Ginsberg
Book - Focus construction with kî ʼim in biblical Hebrew
Grace J. Park
Book - The wind in the willows
Kenneth Grahame; illustrated by Paul Bransom
Book - A wrinkle in time
Madeleine L'Engle
Book - The Velveteen Rabbit, or, How toys become real
Margery Williams; illustrations by William Nicholson
Book - The polyvagal theory in therapy: engaging the rhythm of regulation
Deb Dana; foreword by Stephen W. Porges
Book - Healing trauma: attachment, mind, body, and brain
Marion F. Solomon, Daniel J. Siegel, editors
Book - 1-3 John: exegetical guide to the Greek New Testament
Robert L. Plummer and E. Roderick Elledge; Andreas J. Köstenberger, Robert W. Yarbrough, general editors
eBook - A basic guide to the just war tradition: Christian foundations and practices
Eric Patterson
eBook - A concise guide to Islam: defining key concepts and terms
Ayman S. Ibrahim
eBook - A treatise on the Law and the Gospel
John Colquhoun; introduction by Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley
eBook - Affirming God's image: addressing the transgender question with science and scripture
J. Alan Branch
eBook - Africans in diaspora and diasporas in Africa
editors, Bulus Galadima and Sam George
eBook - After the revolution: sex and the single evangelical
David J. Ayers
eBook - Anne of Green Gables
Lucy Maud Montgomery
eBook - Augustine on the nature of virtue and sin
Katherine Chambers, University of New England, Australia
eBook - Bultmann's kerygmatic theology of the New Testament and existentialism ǂh
Kun Sam Lee
eDissertation - Christian apologetics as cross cultural dialogue
Benno van den Toren
eBook - Churches and the crisis of decline: a hopeful, practical ecclesiology for a secular age
Andrew Root
eBook - Commentaries on Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, and Hebrews
Cyril of Alexandria; edited by Joel C. Elowsky; translated by David R. Maxwell
eBook - Conceived by the Holy Spirit: the virgin birth in scripture and theology
Rhyne R. Putman
eBook - Confronting sexism in the church: how we got here and what we can do about it
Heather Matthews; foreword by Scot McKnight
eBook - Descriptions and prescriptions: a biblical perspective on psychiatric diagnoses and medications
Michael R. Emlet
eBook - Disarming leviathan: loving your Christian nationalist neighbor
Caleb E. Campbell
eBook - Discontinuity to continuity: a survey of dispensational and covenantal theologies
Benjamin L. Merkle
eBook - Doing theology and theological ethics in the face of the abuse crisis
edited by Daniel J. Fleming, James F. Keenan and Hans Zollner
eBook - Engaging Catholic doctrine: essays in honor of Matthew Levering
edited by Robert Barron, Scott W. Hahn, and James R.A. Merrick
eBook - Exporting progressivism to communist China: how New York's Union Seminary liberalized Christianity in twentieth-century China
Christopher D. Sneller; foreword by Alister E. McGrath
eBook - Faith formation in a secular age: responding to the church's obsession with youthfulness
eBook - Faith, reason, and beyond reason: essays on epistemology and theology
Mark J. Boone
eBook - Faithful politics: ten approaches to Christian citizenship and why it matters
Miranda Zapor Cruz
eBook - Faithful reason: natural law ethics for God's glory and our good
Andrew T. Walker; foreword by Carl Trueman
eBook - Foundations for lifelong learning: education in serious joy
John Piper
eBook - Francis of Assisi: a model for human liberation
Leonardo Boff; translated by John W. Diercksmeier
eBook - History of ancient Israel
Christian Frevel
eBook - How not to waste a crisis: quit trying harder
Tod Bolsinger; illustrated by Mark Demel; foreword by Marty Linsky
eBook - In this way we came to Rome: with Paul on the Appian Way
Glen L. Thompson and Mark Wilson
eBook - Intersex in Christ: ambiguous biology and the Gospel
Jennifer Anne Cox; foreword by Rev. Sandra Basham
eBook - Introducing Old Testament theology: creation, covenant, and prophecy in the divine-human relationship
W. H. Bellinger Jr.
eBook - Invest in transformation: quit relying on trust
Tod Bolsinger; foreword by Marty Linsky; illustrated by Mark Deme
eBook - Islam and the Bible: questioning Muslim idiom translations
editors: Ayman S. Ibrahim and Ant B. Greenham
eBook - Islam: global Christian perspectives: voices of majority world Christian scholars of Islam
edited by Wageeh Mikhail; foreword by Michael Nazir-Ali
eBook - Jesus, divorce, and remarriage: in their historical setting
Gordon J. Wenham
eBook - Lay me in God's good earth: a Christian approach to death and burial
Kent Burreson and Beth Hoeltke
eBook - Leading through resistance: quit pushing back
Tod Bolsinger; foreword by Marty Linsky; illustrated by Mark Demel
eBook - Leading well in times of disruption: leadership development for global mission
edited by Joseph W. Handley, Gideon Para-Mallam, and Asia Williamson
eBook - Legal issues in biblical counseling: direction and help for churches and counselors
edited by T. Dale Johnson, Jr. and Edward Charles Wilde
eBook - Living water: an interdisciplinary exploration of water as a theological theme
editors: Manitza Kotzé, I.J. (Kobus) van der Walt
eBook - Managing a small theological library: how to color with broken crayons
Kris Veldheer
eBook - Managing the ministry: a practical guide to church administration
Jody Dean
eBook - Matthew's parable of the royal wedding feast: a sociorhetorical interpretation
Ruth Christa Mathieson
eBook - Matthew: an interpretation Bible commentary
Mark Allan Powell
eBook - Ministering to families in crisis: the essential guide for nurturing mental and emotional health
Jennifer S. Ripley, James N. Sells, and Diane J. Chandler, editors
eBook - Navigating tough texts: a guide to problem passages in the New Testament
Murray J. Harris
eBook - Offering and embracing Christ: the marrow theology of John Colquhoun of Leith (1748-1827)
John C. Biegel; foreword by Sinclair B. Ferguson
eBook - On classical Trinitarianism: retrieving the Nicene doctrine of the triune God
Matthew Barrett, edition; foreword by J. Todd Billings
eBook - Pastor, Jesus is enough: hope for the weary, the burned out, and the broken
Jeremy Writebol
eBook - Patristic exegesis in context: exploring the genres of early Christian biblical interpretation
edited by Miriam De Cock and Elizabeth Klein
eBook - Perspectives on the historical Adam and Eve: four views
edited by Kenneth D. Keathley; contributions from Kenton L. Sparks, William Lane Craig, Andrew Loke, Marcus R. Ross; afterword by S. Joshua Swamidass
eBook - Prodigal gospel: getting lost and found again in the Good News
Jonny Morrison
eBook - Redeeming violent verses: a guide for using troublesome texts in church and ministry
Eric A. Seibert
eBook - Reformed theology today: biblical and systematic-theological perspectives
edited by Nico Vorster, Sarel P. van der Walt
eBook - Reformed theology today: practical-theological, missiological and ethical perspectives
edited by Sarel P. van der Walt, Nico Vorster
eBook - Revelation
Alexander E. Stewart
eBook - Revelation and reason in Christian theology: proceedings of the 2016 Theology Connect Conference
edited by Christopher C. Green and David I. Starling
eBook - Sex, then and now: sexualities and the Bible
William Loader
eBook - Shepherding the pastor: help for the early years of ministry
Phil A. Newton and Rich C. Shadden
eBook - Sinless flesh: a critique of Karl Barth's fallen Christ
Rafael Nogueira Bello
eBook - Sonship
eBook - Spiritual abuse assessment: a tool for survivors and their helpers
Karen Roudkovski
eBook - Suffering and persecution: rethinking church in the 21st century
edited by Myrto Theocharous
eBook - Systematic theology . Volume 1, from canon to concept
eBook - Taught by God: ancient hermeneutics for the modern church
Brandon D. Smith
eBook - Teamwork cross-culturally: Christ-centered solutions for leading multinational teams
Sherwood G. Lingenfelter and Julie A. Green
eBook - The Catholic epistles: critical readings
edited by Darian R. Lockett
eBook - The Power of Parables: essays on the comparative study of Jewish and Christian parables
Eric Ottenheijm, Marcel Poorthuis, Annette Merz
eBook - The Trinity and the Bible: on theological interpretation
Scott R. Swain
eBook - The Velveteen Rabbit, or, How Toys Become Real
eBook - The church in an age of secular mysticisms: why spiritualities without God fail to transform us
Andrew Root
eBook - The divine Christology of the Apostle Paul: retrospect and prospect
Christopher R. Bruno, John J. R. Lee, and Thomas R. Schreiner
eBook - The integration journey: a student's guide to faith, culture, and psychology
William B. Whitney and Carissa Dwiwardani
eBook - The journey of modern theology: from reconstruction to deconstruction
Roger E. Olson
eBook - The letter to the Hebrews: critical readings
edited by Scott D. Mackie
eBook - The mission always wins: quit appeasing stakeholders
Tod Bolsinger; foreword by Marty Linsky; illustrated by Mark Demel
eBook - The pastor as apologist: restoring apologetics to the local church
Dayton Hartman & Michael McEwen
eBook - The pastor as leader: principles and practices for connecting preaching and leadership
John Currie
eBook - The pastor in a secular age: ministry to people who no longer need a God
Andrew Root
eBook - The problem of the Christian master: Augustine in the afterlife of slavery
Matthew Elia
eBook - The spatiotemporal eschatology of Hebrews: priestly participation in the heavenly tabernacle
Luke Woo
eBook - The wind in the willows
Kenneth Grahame; edited with an introduction and notes by Peter Hunt
eBook - The work of Christ
John S. Hammett and Charles L. Quarles; ediors, David S. Dockery, Nathan A. Finn, Christopher W. Morgan
eBook - To gaze upon God: the beatific vision in doctrine, tradition, and practice
Samuel G. Parkison
eBook - Trustworthy: thirteen arguments for the reliability of the New Testament
Benjamin C. F. Shaw; foreword by Gary R. Habermas
eBook - Understanding spiritual abuse: what it is and how to respond
Karen Roudkovski
eBook - Untangling critical race theory: what Christians need to know and why it matters
Ed Uszynski; forewords by Preston Sprinkle and Crawford Loritts
eBook - When church stops working: a future for your congregation beyond more money, programs, and innovation
Andrew Root and Blair D. Bertrand
eBook - Worship in an age of anxiety: how churches can create space for healing
J. Michael Jordan