Library Acquisitions for February 2022
These are the books and e-books added to the Covenant Library in February 2022.
- Eastern Christianity: a reader
edited by J. Edward Walters
Book - Augustine and tradition: influences, contexts, legacy; essays in honor of J. Patout Burns
edited by David G. Hunter and Jonathan P. Yates
Book - Christian history in seven sentences: a small introduction to a vast topic
Jennifer Woodruff Tait
Book - Job 38-42
David J.A. Clines
Book - James Barr assessed: evaluating his legacy over the last sixty years
edited Stanley E. Porter
Book - The Books of the Bible
Bernhard W. Anderson, editor
Book - In quest of the historical Adam: a biblical and scientific exploration
William Lane Craig
Book - Redemptive kingdom diversity: a biblical theology of the people of God
Jarvis J. Williams
Book - Bereshit = Genesis
prepared by Abraham Tal
Book - Vayִqְraa = Leviticus
prepared by Innocent Himbaza
Book - The books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah
Thomas Renz
Book - Joshua
David Firth
Book - 1-2 Kings
David T. Lamb; Tremper Longman, III & Scot McKnight, general editors
Book - Now and not yet: theology and mission in Ezra-Nehemiah
Dean R. Ulrich
Book - The Book of Job: a biography
Mark Larrimore
Book - The book of Job: a history of interpretation and a commentary
Stephen J. Vicchio; foreword by Edward L. Greenstein
Book - Micah
Johannes C. de Moor
Book - Introducing the Pseudepigrapha of Second Temple Judaism: message, context, and significance
Daniel M. Gurtner; foreword by Loren T. Stuckenbruck
Book - An Asian introduction to the New Testament
editor, Johnson Thomaskutty
Book - A theology of Paul and his letters: the gift of the new realm in Christ
Douglas J. Moo, Andreas J. Köstenberger, general editor
Book - An analyticall exposition of both the epistles of the Apostle Peter: illustrated by doctrines out of every text and applyed by their uses for a further progresse in holinesse
... William Ames
Book - Synopsis purioris theologiae = Synopsis of a purer theology
volume edititor, Dolf te Velde; translator, Riemer A. Faber; editor, Latin text, Rein Ferwerda; general editors, Willem J. van Asselt, William den Boer, Riemer A. Faber
Book - The kingdom of God: the Biblical concept and its meaning for the church
John Bright
Book - Why God makes sense in a world that doesn't: the beauty of Christian theism
Gavin Ortlund
Book - The same God who works all things: inseparable operations in Trinitarian theology
Adonis Vidu
Book - Catholicity and the covenant of works: James Ussher and the Reformed tradition
Harrison Perkins
Book - Jesus the great philosopher: rediscovering the wisdom needed for the good life
Jonathan T. Pennington
Book - The Beatitudes through the ages
Rebekah Eklund
Book - You're only human: how your limits reflect God's design and why that's good news
Kelly M. Kapic
Book - Coronavirus and Christ
John Piper
Book - Work that makes a difference
Daniel M. Doriani
Book - When prayer is a struggle: a practical guide for overcoming obstacles in prayer
Kevin P. Halloran
Book - Migration and the making of global Christianity
Jehu J. Hanciles
Book - Motus dei: the movement of God to disciple the nations
Warrick Farah, editor; Dave Coles, James Lucas, & Jonathan Andrews, associate editors
Book - Minding the heart: the way of spiritual transformation
Robert L. Saucy
Book - Parenting & disabilities: abiding in God's presence
Stephanie O. Hubach
Book - On charity & justice
Abraham Kuyper; edited by Matthew J. Tuininga; introduction by John Witte Jr.
Book - The complete introduction to the devout life
St. Francis de Sales; translation and commentary by Father John-Julian, OJN
Book - Karl Barth
Shao Kai Tseng
Book - Reformed and Evangelical across four centuries: the Presbyterian story in America
Nathan P. Feldmeth, S. Donald Fortson, III, Garth M. Rosell, and Kenneth J. Stewart
Book - Minutes of the General Assembly
Book - Money, debt, and finances: critical questions and answers
Jim Newheiser
Book - The 5 love languages: the secret to love that lasts
Gary Chapman
Book - Intermediate biblical Hebrew: an illustrated grammar
John A. Cook and Robert D. Holmstedt; illustrated by Philip Williams
Book - The legend of Job in the Middle Ages
Lawrence L. Besserman
Book - My name is Bill W
Warner Bros. Television; a Garner/Duchow production
Video - Polyvagal exercises for safety and connection: 50 client-centered practices
Deb Dana; foreword by Stephen W. Porges
Book - Polyvagal flip chart: understanding the science of safety
Deb Dana
Book - EMDR for trauma: (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing)
Francine Shapiro
Video - 7 myths about singleness
Sam Allberry
E-Book - Aaron's rod blossoming, or, The divine ordinance of church government vindicated ... / by George Gillespie. Aaron's rod blossoming, or, The divine ordinance of church government vindicated: so as the present Erastian controversie concerning the distinction of civill and ecclesiasticall government, excommunication, and suspension, is fully debated and discussed, from the holy scripture, from the Jewish and Christian antiquities, from the consent of latter writers, from the true nature and rights of magistracy, and from the groundlesnesse of the chief objections made against the Presbyteriall government in point of a domineering arbitrary unlimited power / by George Gillespie
George Gillespie. by George Gillespie
E-Book - The book of Psalms
edited by A. F. Kirkpatrick
E-Book - Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash. Volume 3
Hermann L. Strack and Paul Billerbeck; Jacob N. Cerone, general editor; Joseph Longarino, translator; with an introduction by David Instone-Brewer
E-Book - Delivered into covenant: pivotal moments in the book of Exodus. Part 2
Walter Brueggemann
E-Book - Delivered out of empire: pivotal moments in the book of Exodus. Part One
Walter Brueggemann; discussion questions by Julie Mullins
E-Book - Deuteronomy-Ruth
editors; James M. Hamilton Jr., Iain M. Duguid, and Jay Sklar
E-Book - God, technology, and the Christian life
Tony Reinke
E-Book - Hebrews
Thomas G. Long
E-Book - The image of the Biblical Job: a history. Volume 1. Job in the ancient world
Stephen J. Vicchio
E-Book - The image of the Biblical Job: a history. Volume 2. Job in the medieval world
Stephen J. Vicchio
E-Book - The image of the Biblical Job: a history. Volume 3. Job in the modern world
Stephen J. Vicchio
E-Book - James, First, Second, and Third John
Kelly Anderson and Daniel Keating
E-Book - John Owen on pastoral preaching
Justin Miller
E-Book - On charity & justice
Abraham Kuyper; edited by Matthew J. Tuininga; introduction by John Witte Jr.
E-Book - Piety/godliness in early Christianity and the Roman world
Chris Hoklotubbe
E-Resource - Preaching Hebrews and 1 Peter
James W. Thompson
E-Book - Preaching the word with John Chrysostom
Gerald Bray
E-Book - The royal priesthood and the glory of God
David S. Schrock
E-Book - An analyticall exposition of both the epistles of the Apostle Peter: illustrated by doctrines out of every text and applyed by their uses for a further progresse in holinesse
... William Ames
E-Book - The Andover case: with an introductory historical statement, a careful summary of the arguments of the respondent professors, and the full text of the arguments of the complainants and their counsel, together with the decision of the Board of Visitors, furnishing the nearest available approach to a complete history of the whole matter
E-Book - Apostle of persuasion: theology and rhetoric in the Pauline letters
James W. Thompson
E-Book - Atheism on trial: a lawyer examines the case for unbelief
W. Mark Lanier
E-Book - Atonement: Jewish and Christian origins
edited by Max Botner, Justin Harrison Duff and Simon Dürr
E-Book - Baptism: a guide to life from death
Peter J. Leithart
E-Book - A beginner's guide to New Testament studies: understanding key debates
Nijay K. Gupta
E-Book - Biblical theology according to the Apostles: how the earliest Christians told the story of Israel
Chris Bruno, Jared Compton and Kevin McFadden; series editor, D.A. Carson
E-Book - Big things start small: how small groups helped ignite Christianity's greatest spiritual awakenings
Joe M. Easterling
E-Book - The book of Job: a history of interpretation and a commentary
Stephen J. Vicchio; foreword by Edward L. Greenstein
E-Book - Calvin the magistrate: his political and legal legacy
George J. Gatgounis
E-Book - Centered-set church: discipleship and community without judgmentalism
Mark D. Baker
E-Book - Christ our salvation: expositions and proclamations
John Webster; edited by Daniel Bush
E-Book - Christian meditation in clinical practice: a four-step model and workbook for therapists and clients
Joshua J. Knabb
E-Book - A constructively critical conversation between nonviolent and substitutionary perspectives on atonement: theological motifs and Christological implications
Hojin Ahn; foreword by Joseph L. Mangina
E-Book - Covenantal and dispensational theologies: four views on the continuity of scripture
Brent E. Parker and Richard J. Lucas, editors
E-Book - Cruciform scripture: cross, participation, and mission
edited by Christopher W. Skinner , Nijay K. Gupta, Andy Johnson, and Drew J. Strait
E-Book - Delighted: what teenagers are teaching the church about joy
Kenda Creasy Dean, Wesley W. Ellis, Justin Forbes, Abigail Visco Rusert
E-Book - Don't blow up your ministry: defuse the underlying issues that take pastors down
Michael Mackenzie
E-Book - The doubters' club: good-faith conversations with skeptics, atheists, and the spiritually wounded
Preston Ulmer
E-Book - Every leaf, line, and letter: Evangelicals and the Bible from the 1730s to the present
edited by Timothy Larsen; introdution by Thomas S. Kidd
E-Book - Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther: restoring the church
Wallace P. Benn; R. Kent Hughes, series editor
E-Book - The federal theology of Jonathan Edwards: an exegetical perspective
Gilsun Ryu
E-Book - Figural reading and the Old Testament: ttheology and practice
Don C. Collett
E-Book - Finding our voice: a vision for Asian North American preaching
Matthew D. Kim and Daniel L. Wong; foreword by Ken Shigematsu
E-Book - The gloss and the text: William Perkins on interpreting Scripture with Scripture
Andrew S. Ballitch
E-Book - God dwells among us: a biblical theology of the temple
G.K. Beale and Mitchell Kim
E-Book - Hebrew for life: strategies for learning, retaining, and reviving biblical Hebrew
Adam J. Howell, Benjamin L. Merkle, and Robert L. Plummer; foreword by Miles V. Van Pelt
E-Book - In the name of our lord: four models of the relationship between baptism, catechesis, and communion
Jonathan D. Watson
E-Book - Jonathan Edwards and deification: reconciling theosis and the Reformed tradition
James R. Salladin
E-Book - The joy of hearing: a theology of the book of Revelation
Thomas R. Schreiner
E-Book - Making faith magnetic: five hidden themes our culture can't stop talking about and how to connect them to Christ
Daniel Strange; foreword by Timothy Keller
E-Book - The mission of the triune God: a theology of Acts
Patrick Schreiner
E-Book - A model for evangelical theology: integrating scripture, tradition, reason, experience, and community
Graham McFarlane
E-Book - The monkhood of all believers: the monastic foundation of christian spirituality
Greg Peters
E-Book - Old Testament narrative: a guide to interpretation
Jerome T. Walsh
E-Book - Pointing to the pasturelands: reflections on evangelicalism, doctrine, & culture
J.I. Packer
E-Book - A practical commentary, or, An exposition with notes on the Epistle of James: delivered in sundry weekly lectures .../
the Rev. Thomas Manton ...
E-Book - Reading scripture as the church: Dietrich Bonhoeffer's hermeneutic of discipleship
Derek W. Taylor
E-Book - Rediscipling the white church: from cheap diversity to true solidarity
David W. Swanson; foreword by Brenda Salter McNeil
E-Book - Reformed and Evangelical across four centuries: the Presbyterian story in America
Nathan P. Feldmeth, S. Donald Fortson, III, Garth M. Rosell, and Kenneth J. Stewart
E-Book - Reforming apologetics: retrieving the classic Reformed approach to defending the faith
J.V. Fesko
E-Book - Restless devices: recovering personhood, presence, and place in the digital age
Felicia Wu Song
E-Book - Righteous by promise: a biblical theology of circumcision
Karl Deenick
E-Book - Risen indeed: a historical investigation into the resurrection of Jesus
Gary R. Habermas
E-Book - The robot will see you now: artificial intelligence and the Christian faith
edited by John Wyatt and Stephen N. Williams
E-Book - Sealed with an oath: covenant in God's unfolding purpose
Paul R. Williamson
E-Book - Signs of the Messiah: an introduction to John's gospel
Andreas J. Köstenberger
E-Book - Spreading the feast: instruction & meditations for ministry at the Lord's table
Howard Griffith
E-Book - Ultimate Bible atlas: with charts, maps, and biblical reconstructions
introduction and geography of the Bible lands by Paul H. Wright
E-Book - Understanding the Jewish roots of Christianity: biblical, theological, and historical essays on the relationship between Christianity and Judaism
edited by Gerald McDermott
E-Book - What are Christians for? life together at the end of the world
Jake Meador