Atla Spotlight on Religion & Science Interdisciplinary Journals
Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS provides terrific coverage of journals in religion, theology, and related fields. Recently, Todd Aiello, a Product Specialist at Atla, wrote on the Atla blog about some interesting interdisciplinary journals that speak to the intersection of religion and science—a perennial topic of discussion and debate. Todd focused on three particular scientific areas—psychology, medicine, and ecology—highlighting the following titles:
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, from the American Psychological Association (indexing only)
The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, published by Taylor & Francis (full text available)
Journal of Psychology and Christianity, published by the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (indexing only)
[One might also add here, Journal of Psychology & Theology, published by SAGE (full text available)]
Ethics and Medics, published by the National Catholic Bioethics Center (indexing only)
Health Progress, published by Catholic Health Association of the United States (indexing only)
Journal of Disability & Religion, published by Taylor & Francis (indexing only)
인격주의 생명윤리 (Personalism Bioethics), published by 가톨릭생명윤리연구소 (Catholic Institute of Bioethics), (indexing only)
Environmental Ethics, published by Environmental Philosophy, Inc. and University of Georgia (indexing only)
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, published by Equinox (full text available)
Check out the original post for more information.