Library Acquisitions for January 2022
These are the books and e-books added to the Covenant Library in January 2022.
- How to think: a survival guide for a world at odds
Alan Jacobs
Book - Undoing aloneness and the transformation of suffering into flourishing: AEDP 2.0
edited by Diana Fosha
Book - Ethics as worship: the pursuit of moral discipleship
Mark Daniel Liederbach and Evan Lenow
Book - The Pharisees
Joseph Sievers, Amy-Jill Levine
Book - Corpus Christologicum: texts and translations for the study of Jewish Messianism and early christology
Gregory R. Lanier
Book - The Cambridge companion to the Apostolic Fathers
edited by Michael F. Bird, Scott D. Harrower
Book - Works on the Spirit: Athanasius's letters to Serapion on the Holy Spirit, and, Didymus's On the Holy Spirit
Athanasius and Didymus; translated, with an introduction and annotations, by Mark DelCogliano, Andrew Radde-Gallwitz, and Lewis Ayres
Book - City of man: Christian civic engagement through the ages
Book - Awaiting the King: reforming public theology
James K.A. Smith
Book - Hosea
Richard D. Phillips
Book - Going deeper with New Testament Greek: an intermediate study of the grammar and syntax of the New Testament
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Benjamin L. Merkle, and Robert L. Plummer
Book - Pauline churches and diaspora Jews
John M.G. Barclay
Book - The Cambridge companion to the Gospels
edited by Stephen C. Barton, University of Durham; Todd Brewer, independent scholar
Book - The fourfold gospel: a formational commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
John DelHousaye
Book - "If you are willing to receive it": the presentation of John the Baptist as Elijah in Matthew's Gospel
Aaron Goldstein
Thesis / Manuscript - Christianity explored: what's the best news you've ever heard? leader's kit
Christianity Explored
Book - A theology of Luke and Acts: God's promised program, realized for all nations
Darrell L. Bock; Andreas J. Köstenberger, general editor
Book - Colossians-Philemon: a beginning-intermediate Greek reader
Roy R. Jeal
Book - The One, the Three, and the many: God, creation, and the culture of modernity
Colin E. Gunton
Book - If you could ask God one question
Paul Williams, Barry Cooper
Book - The uneasy conscience of modern fundamentalism
Carl F.H. Henry
Book - Kingdom come: why we must give up our obsession with fixing the church--and what we should do instead
Reggie McNeal
Book - Life explored: what's the best gift God could give you? leader's kit
Barry Cooper, Nate Morgan Locke, Rico Tice
Kit - He who gives life: the doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Graham A. Cole
Book - Act and being: towards a theology of the divine attributes
Colin E. Gunton
Book - Christ and creation
Colin E. Gunton
Book - Dying to speak: meditations from the cross
Anthony J. Carter, Lee Fowler
Book - From nothing: a theology of creation
Ian A. McFarland
Book - Every moment Holy. Volume 2: death, grief, and hope
Douglas Kaine McKelvey; illustrated by Ned Bustard
Book - Persistent prayer
Guy M. Richard; foreword by Kevin DeYoung
Book - Church forsaken: practicing presence in neglected neighborhoods
Jonathan Brooks; foreword by Sho Baraka
Book - Honest evangelism: how to talk about Jesus even when it's tough
Rico Tice with Carl Laferton; foreword by D.A. Carson
Book - Expository preaching
David Strain; foreword by Kevin DeYoung
Book - Finding more: real life stories worth telling
Rico Tice, Rachel Jones
Book - Covenantal baptism
Jason Helopoulos
Book - Reformed systematic theology
Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley
Book - Reformed scholasticism: recovering the tools of reformed theology
Ryan McGraw
Book - Biblical Greek vocabulary in context: building competency with words occurring 25 times or more
Miles V. Van Pelt, with Katharine C. Van Pelt
Book - Abnormal psychology
Ronald J. Comer, Princetown University, Jonathan S. Comer, Florida International University
Book - Understanding and treating chronic shame: healing right brain relational trauma
Patricia A. DeYoung
Book - The practice of emotionally focused couple therapy: creating connection
Susan M. Johnson
Book - Solving the moment: a collaborative couple therapy manual
Dan Wile, with Dorothy Kaufmann; foreword by John and Julie Gottman
Book - Supervision essentials for accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy
Natasha C.N. Prenn and Diana Fosha
Book - Treating addiction: a guide for professionals
William R. Miller, Alyssa A. Forcehimes, Allen Zweben
Book - An annotated bibliography of academic and other literature on Christian Science
Shirley Paulson, Linda Bargmann, Helen Mathis
Book - Beginning with New Testament Greek: charts for beginning Greek grammar and syntax
Benjamin L. Merkle and Robert L. Plummer
E-Book - A biblical history of Israel
Iain Provan, V. Philips Long, Tremper Longman III
E-Book - Colossians and Philemon
G. K. Beale
E-Book - A critical and exegetical commentary on Exodus 1-18 v.1: chapters 1-10
G.I. Davies, F.B.A. Emeritus Professor of Old Testament Studies in the University of Cambridge, Fellow of Fitzwilliam College
E-Book - Ephesians - Philemon
editors: Iain M. Duguid, James M. Hamilton Jr., Jay Sklar
E-Book - Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
edited by Joseph T. Lienhard; in collaboration with Ronnie J. Rombs; general editor, Thomas C. Oden
E-Book - Forty days on being a five
Morgan Harper Nichols
E-Book - Forty days on being a four
Christine Yi Suh
E-Book - Forty days on being a nine
Marlena Graves
E-Book - Forty days on being a seven
Gideon Yee Shun Tsang
E-Book - Forty days on being a three
Sean Palmer
E-Book - Forty days on being a two
Hunter Mobley
E-Book - Forty days on being an eight
Sandra Maria Van Opstal
E-Book - From nothing: a theology of creation
Ian A. McFarland
E-Book - Genesis 1-11
edited by Andrew Louth, in collaboration with Marco Conti; general editor, Thomas C. Oden
E-Book - Genesis 12-50
edited by Mark Sheridan; general editor, Thomas C. Oden
E-Book - Handbook on Acts and Paul's letters
Thomas R. Schreiner
E-Book - Handbook on Hebrews through Revelation
Andreas J. Kostenberger
E-Book - Hebrews-Revelation
editors, Iain M. Duguid, James M. Hamilton Jr., Jay Sklar
E-Book - Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1-2 Samuel
edited by John R. Franke; general editor, Thomas C. Oden
E-Book - Matthew
edited by Jason K. Lee and William M. Marsh; general editor, Timothy George; associate general editor, Scott M. Manetsch
E-Book - Puritan papers. Volume 1, 1956-1959
edited by J.I. Packer; foreword by W. Robert Godfrey
E-Book - Puritan papers. Volume 2, 1960-1962
edited by [D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and] J.I. Packer; foreword by W. Robert Godfrey
E-Book - Puritan papers. Volume 3, 1963-1964
edited by J.I. Packer; foreword by W. Robert Godfrey
E-Book - Puritan papers. Volume 4, 1965-1967
edited by J.I. Packer
E-Book - Puritan papers. Volume 5, 1968-1969
edited by J.I. Packer
E-Book - What is integral mission?
C. René Padilla, with an activity guide by Juan José Barreda Toscano and Claudia Lorena Juárez; translated by Rebecca Breekveldt from the original in Spanish
E-Book - What the Bible says about divorce and remarriage
Wayne Grudem
E-Book - All things new: Revelation as canonical capstone
Brian J. Tabb
E-Book - The Apocalypse of John: a commentary
Francis J. Moloney, SDB.; [foreword by Eugenio Corsini]
E-Book - Called by Triune grace: divine rhetoric and the effectual call
Jonathan Hoglund
E-Book - Changed into his likeness: a biblical theology of personal transformation
J. Gary Millar
E-Book - Christian history in seven sentences: a small introduction to a vast topic
Jennifer Woodruff Tait
E-Book - An exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews: with the preliminary exercitations
John Owen, D.D.; Revised and abridged; with a full and interesting life of the author, a copious index, &c., by Edward Williams
Book - Fearfully and wonderfully: the marvel of bearing God's image
Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey
E-Book - From Adam and Israel to the Church: a biblical theology of the people of God
Benjamin L. Gladd
E-Book - God in himself: scripture, metaphysics, and the task of Christian theology
Steven J. Duby
E-Book - John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian religion: a biography
Bruce Gordon
E-Book - Kingdom come: why we must give up our obsession with fixing the church--and what we should do instead
Reggie McNeal
E-Book - Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Orthodox and Evangelical approaches to discipleship and Christian formation
edited by Mark Oxbrow and Tim Grass
E-Book - The logic of the body: retrieving theological psychology
Matthew A. LaPine; foreword by Kevin J. Vanhoozer
E-Book - Mark: an introduction and commentary
Eckhard J. Schnabel
E-Book - A multitude of all peoples: engaging ancient Christianity's global identity
Vince L. Bantu
E-Book - The New Testament commentary guide: a brief handbook for students and pastors
Nijay K. Gupta
E-Book - The paradox of sonship: Christology in the epistle to the Hebrews
R.B. Jamieson; foreword by Simon J. Gathercole
E-Book - The path of faith: a biblical theology of covenant and law
Brandon D. Crowe
E-Book - Reading Philippians: theological introduction
Nijay K. Gupta
E-Book - Romans: An Introduction and Commentary
E-Book - Seeing by the light: illumination in Augustine's and Barth's readings of John
Ike Miller
E-Book - Transforming mission: paradigm shifts in theology of mission
David J. Bosch
E-Book - Understanding and loving a person with depression: biblical and practical wisdom to build empathy, preserve boundaries, and show compassion
Stephen Arterburn and Brenda Hunter
E-Book - What God has to say about our bodies: how the gospel is good news for our physical selves
Sam Allberry; foreword by Paul David Tripp