MOBIUS Loan Policy Change

Effective November 1, 2024, books borrowed through MOBIUS will check out for 40 days and will not be eligible for renewal. If you need a book for longer than 40 days, you may put in a new MOBIUS request for a different copy before returning the copy in your possession.

Previously, MOBIUS books checked out for 4 weeks (28 days) and were eligible for two renewals. Unfortunately, any MOBIUS books checked out prior to November 1 will no longer be eligible for renewal.

This is a temporary policy change while the OpenRS system powering MOBIUS receives additional development to improve its ability to sync renewal status between the borrowing and lending library systems. When that development is complete, the former loan policy allowing renewals will be restored.

[A previous version of this post stated that MOBIUS books checked out prior to November 1 would remain eligible for up to 2 renewals. Unfortunately, that is not the case, as the new loan policy, which does not allow renewals, is applied at the time of a renewal request. We apologize for the error.]


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