Library Acquisitions for September 2024
These are the books and e-books added to the Covenant Library in September 2024.
- Plato
David Talcott
Book - The ethics of generating posthumans: philosophical and theological reflections on bringing new persons into existence
edited by Calum MacKellar and Trevor Stammers
Book - Alvin Plantinga
Greg Welty
Book - Integrating psychology and faith: models for Christian engagement
Paul Moes and Blake Riek
Book - God reforms hearts: rethinking free will and the problem of evil
Thaddeus Williams
Book - Choose better: five biblical models for making ethical decisions
T. David Gordon
Book - Bridging the Testaments: the history and theology of God's people in the Second Temple period
George Athas
Book - Gender and Second-Temple Judaism
edited by Kathy Ehrensperger and Shayna Sheinfeld
Book - Christianity and new religious movements: an introduction to the world's newest faiths
Derek Cooper
Book - Jerusalem and Athens; critical discussions on the theology and apologetics of Cornelius Van Til
Edited by E. R. Geehan
Book - Exegetical epistles
St. Jerome; translated by Thomas P. Scheck
Book - The way of humility: St. Augustine's theology of preaching
Charles G. Kim, Jr.
Book - Irenaeus of Lyons: identifying Christianity
John Behr
Book - Religious experience and the knowledge of God: the evidential force of divine encounters
Harold A. Netland
Book - What are Christians for? life together at the end of the world
Jake Meador; foreword by Karen Swallow Prior
Book - Life in the negative world: confronting challenges in an anti-Christian culture
Aaron M. Renn
Book - Cultural hermeneutics: the world through the lens of theology
Roger Standing
Book - Cultural Christians in the early church: a historical and practical introduction to Christians in the Greco-Roman world
Nadya Williams
Book - The Christology of Ignatius of Antioch
Jonathon Lookadoo
Book - The Bible: a global history
Bruce Gordon
Book - Biblical hermeneutics: methodologies and perspectives
M. Maisuangdibou & Hunibou Newmai
Book - Reading the Bible theologically
Darren Sarisky, University of Oxford
Book - All the genealogies of the Bible: visual charts and exegetical commentary
Nancy S. Dawson, Eugene H. Merrill, Andreas J. Köstenberger
Book - Boys will be boys, and other myths: unravelling biblical masculinities
Will Moore
Book - Creator: a theological interpretation of Genesis 1
Peter J. Leithart
Book - Does the Bible affirm same-sex relationships: examining 10 claims about scripture and sexuality
Rebecca McLaughlin
Book - A larger hope? universal salvation from the Reformation to the nineteenth century
Robin A. Parry; with Ilaria L.E. Ramelli
Book - A larger hope? universal salvation from Christian beginnings to Julian of Norwich
Ilaria L.E. Ramelli; with a foreword by Richard Bauckham
Book - Before the scrolls: a material approach to Israel's prophetic library
Nathan Mastnjak
Book - A survey of the Old Testament
Andrew E. Hill & John H. Walton
Book - Old Testament theology: canon or testimony
Walter Brueggemann, Brevard S. Childs
Book - Conspicuous in his absence: studies in the Song of Songs and Esther
Chloe T. Sun
Book - Answering the Psalmist's perplexity: new-covenant newness in the Book of Psalms
James Hely Hutchinson
Book - The moral vision of Proverbs: a virtue-oriented approach to wisdom
Timothy J. Sandoval
Book - The cultural life setting of the Proverbs
John J. Pilch
Book - Proverbs: a shorter commentary
Bruce K. Waltke and Ivan D.V. De Silva
Book - Haggai and Malachi
Brian T. German
Book - Is the New Testament reliable?
Paul Barnett
Book - New Testament theology
Eckhard J. Schnabel
Book - Christology in Mark's gospel: 4 views
Sandra Huebenthal, Larry W. Hurtado with Chris Keith, J.R. Daniel Kirk, Adam Winn; Anthony Le Donne, general editor
Book - Life in the son: exploring participation and union with Christ in John's gospel and letters
Clive Bowsher
Book - Acts: a commentary for biblical preaching and teaching
John D. Harvey, David Gentino
Book - The life and theology of Paul
Guy Prentiss Waters
Book - The Oxford handbook of Pauline studies
edited by Matthew V. Novenson and R. Barry Matlock
Book - Paul's letter collection: tracing the origins
David Trobisch
Book - Paul and the hope of glory: an exegetical and theological study
Constantine R. Campbell
Book - Paul and the image of God
Chris Kugler; foreword by N. T. Wright
Book - Beyond justification: liberating Paul's gospel
Douglas A. Campbell & Jon DePue; foreword by Brian Zahnd
Book - Into the heart of Romans: a deep dive into Paul's greatest letter
N. T. Wright
Book - Exchanging the glory: idolatry and homosexuality in Romans 1
Tim Gallant
Book - Galatians
Nijay K. Gupta
Book - Galatians
Matthew S. Harmon
Book - Hidden with Christ in God: a theology of Colossians and Philemon
Kevin W. McFadden
Book - Hebrews: an introduction and study guide
Patrick Gray and Amy Peeler
Book - 1-3 John
Robert L. Plummer & E. Roderick Elledge
Book - Word & Spirit: selected writings in biblical and systematic theology
Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.; Edited by David B. Garner & Guy Prentiss Waters; Appendixes by Danny E. Olinger
Book - The substance of our faith: foundations for the history of Christian doctrine
Douglas A. Sweeney
Book - The mystery of Christ: life in death
John Behr
Book - Faith beyond reason: a Kierkegaardian account
C. Stephen Evans
Book - Perfect unity: a guide for Christian doctrine and life
Ralph Cunnington
Book - The third person of the Trinity: explorations in constructive dogmatics
Oliver D. Crisp and Fred Sanders, editors
Book - The giver of life: the biblical doctrine of the Holy Spirit and salvation
J. V. Fesko
Book - The Holy Spirit
Robert Letham
Book - Special revelation and Scripture
David S. Dockery & Malcolm B. Yarnell III; editors David S. Dockery, Nathan A. Finn, Christopher W. Morgan
Book - The crucified God: the cross of Christ as the foundation and criticism of Christian theology
Jürgen Moltmann
Book - Christ unabridged: knowing and loving the Son of Man
edited by George Westhaver and Rebekah Vince
Book - The last Adam: a theology of the obedient life of Jesus in the Gospels
Brandon D. Crowe
Book - Marriage, scripture, and the church: theological discernment on the question of same-sex union
Darrin W. Snyder Belousek
Book - Blessed are the peacemakers: a biblical theology of human violence
Helen Paynter; general editor, Jonathan Lunde
Book - Work: theological foundations and practical implications
edited by R. Keith Loftin and Trey Dimsdale
Book - A plea for embodied spirituality: the role of the body in religion
Fraser Watts
Book - Theology of hope: for the 21st century
Jürgen Moltmann; with a new introduction by James Hawkey
Book - The Nicene Creed: a scriptural, historical, and theological commentary
Jared Ortiz and Daniel A. Keating
Book - Poetry of redemption: an illustrated treasury of Good Friday and Easter poems
[edited by] Leland Ryken
Book - Sunday: keeping Christian time
Jack Franicevich, S.T.M., Nashotah House
Book - Teach them to pray: cultivating God-dependency in your church
Paul Tautges; [foreword by Jerry Bridges]
Book - The church's other half: women's ministry
Trevor Beeson
Book - For the good of the church: unity, theology and women
Gabrielle Thomas
Book - The elder-led church: how an eldership team shepherds a healthy flock
Murray Capill
Book - The water and the blood: how the sacraments shape Christian identity
Kevin P. Emmert
Book - Redeeming sex in marriage: how the gospel rescues sex, transforms marriage, and reveals the glory of God
Scott Mehl
Book - Preach it: understanding African-Caribbean preaching
Carol Tomlin
Book - A preacher's tale: explorations in narrative preaching
Jon Russell
Book - Discipleship for every stage of life: understanding Christian formation in light of human development
Chris A. Kiesling
Book - Deadly sins and saving virtues
Donald Capps
Book - Reconciling theology
Paul Avis
Book - The Bible and baptism: the fountain of salvation
Isaac Augustine Morales, OP
Book - What it means to be Protestant: the case for an always-reforming church
Gavin Ortlund
Book - The vocation of Anglican theology: sources and essays
edited by Ralph McMichael
Book - Richard Hooker: theological method and Anglican identity
Philip Hobday
Book - Jonathan Edwards and deification: reconciling theosis and the Reformed tradition
James R. Salladin
Book - Standing against tyranny: the life and legacy of Arthur Perkins
Brian L. De Jong
Book - Theodore Beza: an introduction to his life and theology
Donald K. McKim, Jim West
Book - Hyper-Calvinist universal salvation: the systematic theology of the unchosen saved by the lake of consuming fire at the Eschaton
Jeff Grupp
Book - Varieties of Christian universalism: exploring four views
edited by David W. Congdon; with contributions by David W. Congdon, Tom Greggs, Morwenna Ludlow, and Robin A. Parry
Book - The Chicago manual of style
Book - Prepare, succeed, advance: a guidebook for getting a PhD in Biblical studies and beyond
Nijay K. Gupta
Book - Everyday media literacy: an analog guide for your digital life
Sue Ellen Christian
Book - Exegetical journeys in biblical Greek: 90 days of guided reading
Benjamin L. Merkle
Book - Basics of verbal aspect in biblical Greek
Constantine R. Campbell
Book - Reading German for theological studies: a grammar and reader
Carolyn Roberts Thompson
Book - Graded reader of Biblical Hebrew: a guide to reading the Hebrew Bible
Miles V. Van Pelt and Gary D. Pratico
Book - Christianity and theater: "the dogma is the drama"
Book - The image of God, personhood and the embryo
Calum MacKellar
Book - Finding the valuable person: therapy that takes theology seriously
Chris Steed; foreword by Steve Motyer
Book - Johannine writings and apocalyptic: an annotated bibliography
Stanley E. Porter, Andrew K. Gabriel
eBook - Lectures on human nature: adapted to the use of students at college, academies, or in other schools, or in private. To which is added An essay on life, by Rev. John W. Doak
eBook - The origins of John's gospel
edited by Stanley E. Porter, Hughson T. Ong