Library Running Manual Circulation Processes, Covenant Catalog Requests Suspended

The library has entered the final phase of the library system migration process, which requires all check-outs, check-ins, and other circulation-related transactions to be manually recorded and processed in the new system between now and the launch on May 22. In addition, the ability to request items through the Covenant library catalog has been suspended.

Can I still check-out books?

Yes, absolutely. However, your check-out will be manually recorded and the books will not display in your online library account in the current library catalog.

If I return a book now, but it's not processed until May 22, will I be charged overdue fees?

All circulation transactions will be backdated during processing to the date that they were recorded, so you will not be charged overdue fees for any time after the library receives the item.

Can you tell me what I have checked out?

We will not have an easily accessible, up-to-date record of what you have checked out until all transactions are processed in the new system. We can tell you what you had checked out as of May 6, and with some effort we can determine what you have returned or checked out since, if that is a critical need.

Can I request Covenant books or place holds?

No, requesting has been turned off, as the catalog does not have accurate information about the status of items in the library collection.

Can I request books from other libraries?

You can request books from other libraries via interlibrary loan.

  1. Use either the MOBIUS catalog or WorldCat to find the book that you want to request.

  2. Make note of the key publication info, like the title, author, publisher, date of publication, and ISBN.

  3. Head over to our ILL request form, log in with your library account, and enter the publication info.

  4. Allow 7–14 days for your book to arrive. You'll get an email when it's ready to pick up.

The library catalog says something is available, but it's not on the shelf.

The availability status in the current library catalog is not up-to-date and may be incorrect.

I'm a senior and I need to return items and/or pay library fees to get my diploma.

We have a record of all outstanding items and charges on your library account as of May 6 and need to manually mark those as resolved in order to clear you with the Registrar's office. Please visit the library and speak with Mark Green or another full-time librarian about clearing your account to ensure that we get your record updated. Do not return items without notifying the librarians that you are doing so in order to get your diploma.

Image Credit: Crossett Library on Flickr. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


New Library System Launches on Wednesday


Library Acquisitions for January through April 2024