Library Offers Expanded Resources for Alumni

The J. Oliver Buswell Jr. Library at Covenant Seminary provides students and faculty with a tremendous array of information resources to aid their seminary studies and spiritual development. But the need for such resources doesn’t stop when students graduate. Growing and maturing in ministry requires that alumni be lifelong learners. The Library has long offered local and visiting graduates continued borrowing privileges through an alumni library card program. All alumni also have electronic access to the Atla Religion Database, which provides online full-text journal articles, as well as rich indexing of many additional journals and essay collections that can be obtained through interlibrary loan.

Now the Library is pleased to announce a new, expanded set of online library resources for alumni, including access to e-books. These new resources join the Atla Religion Database on the Alumni Portal, and include:

  • EBSCO E-Books – Thousands of e-books selected by the Library staff, plus over 250,000 academic e-books from MOBIUS.

  • SAGE Knowledge – A collection of over 5,800 scholarly e-books on topics in the social sciences, including counseling, psychotherapy, and psychology. 

  • SAGE Religion Journals – An array of articles from more than 30 journals to supplement what is available through the Atla Religion Database.

Taken together, all these resources provide a rich, online library to support the ministries of our alumni by helping you:

  • Find commentaries and other materials to aid in preparing sermons and Bible studies. 

  • Supplement your training to better serve the needs of your congregation or counseling clients. 

  • Gain insight to help disciple and guide others through difficult questions and to address the controversies of the day. 

  • Discover resources to aid personal spiritual growth and development.

Alumni can access all of these resources exclusively through the Alumni Portal. Simply log in with your Alumni Portal account, and then click the Library Resources for Alumni link. 

If you have not set up your Alumni Portal account, or if you do not remember your login information, request your login information from the Alumni Services office.

For more information about these resources, as well as other free resources to support research and learning, check out the Library’s full Alumni Resources guide.


Library Acquisitions for October 2020