Library Acquisitions for October 2020
These are the books and e-books added to the Covenant Library in October 2020.
- The Oxford handbook of the epistemology of theology
edited by William J. Abraham and Frederick D. Aquino
Book - From Darwin to Eden: a tour of science and religion based on the philosophy of Micael Polanyi and the Intelligent Design movement
William B. Collier
Book - A practical primer on theological method: table manners for discussing God, his works, and his ways
Glenn R. Kreider and Michael J. Svigel
Book - World Christian encyclopedia
Todd M. Johnson and Gina A. Zurlo
Book - Disestablishment and religious dissent: church-state relations in the new American states, 1776-1833
edited by Carl H. Esbeck and Jonathan J. Den Hartog
Book - S. Ninian, apostle of the Britons and Picts: a research study of the first founding of the church in Britain
Archibald B. Scott
Book - Science, education, and faith: H. John Taylor, 1906-1996 and India
edited by Kitty Scoular Datta
Book - African public theology
edited by Sunday Agang, Dion A. Forster, H. Jurgens Hendriks
Book - Textual and literary criticism of the Books of Kings: collected essays
Julio Trebolle Barrera; edited by Andrés Piquer Otero, Pablo A. Torijano
Book - God speaks my language: a history of Bible translation in East Africa
Aloo Osotsi Mojola
Book - Textual criticism of the Bible
Amy S. Anderson and Wendy Widder; edited by Douglas Mangum
Book - Reading while Black: African American biblical interpretation as an exercise in hope
Esau McCaulley
Book - Understanding biblical theology: a comparison of theory and practice
Edward W. Klink III, Darian R. Lockett
Book - Finding Hagar: God's pursuit of a fugitive
Michael F. Kuhn, illustrated by Bethany Giles
Book - Paul among the Apocalypses? an evaluation of the "Apocalyptic Paul" in the context of Jewish and Christian Apocalyptic literature
J.P. Davies
Book - Sanctified aggression: legacies of biblical and post biblical vocabularies of violence
edited by Jonneke Bekkenkamp and Yvonne Sherwood
Book - The theology of the Hebrew Bible: an introduction
Pavel Hanes
Book - Old Testament theology: a thematic approach
Robin Routledge
Book - Weep with me: how lament opens a door for racial reconciliation
Mark Vroegop; foreword by by Thabiti Anyabwile
Book - Creator and creation according to Calvin on Genesis
Rebekah Earnshaw
Book - The scroll of Isaiah: its unity, structure, and message
Seth Erlandsson
Book - Analyzing & translating New Testament discourse
David J. Clark
Book - Studying the New Testament through inscriptions: an introduction
D. Clint Burnett
Book - Vox Petri: a theology of Peter
Gene L. Green; Foreword by Michael J. Gorman
Book - Father, Son, and Spirit in Romans 8: The Roman reception of Paul's trinitarian theology
Ron C. Fay
Book - 1 & 2 Thessalonians
Douglas Farrow
Book - 1 Timothy reconsidered
edited by Karl Paul Donfried; [contributors], K.P. Donfried [and others]
Book - God and the brain: the rationality of belief
Kelly James Clark
Book - Towards a dialogue with third world theologians = pour un dialogue avec des theologiens du tiers monde
Jacques van Nieuwenhove, Georges Casalis, editors
Book - God with us and without us
Imad N. Shehadeh
Book - Omniscience, foreknowledge, and the problem of divine freedom
Graham Corbett Floyd
Book - Is Jesus truly God? how the Bible teaches the divinity of Christ
Greg Lanier
Book - On the tree of the cross: Georges Florovsky and the Patristic doctrine of atonement
edited by Matthew Baker, Seraphim Danckaert, Nicholas Marinides
Book - The cross before me: reimagining the way to the good life
Rankin Wilbourne, Brian Gregor
Book - A trinitarian theology of nature
Lisanne Winslow; with a foreword by Alister E. McGrath
Book - Where is God in a coronavirus world?
John C. Lennox
Book - God and the pandemic: a Christian reflection on the coronavirus and its aftermath
N. T. Wright
Book - Common grace: God's gift for a fallen world
Abraham Kuyper; edited by Jordan J. Ballor [and others]; translated by Nelson D. Kloosterman [and others]
Book - A virtue ethical view of Trinitarian sanctification: Jesus' roles as teacher, example, and priest
Ronald M. Rothenberg
Book - Life and practice in the early church: a documentary reader
edited by Steven A. McKinion
Book - Creating shared resilience: the role of the church in a hopeful future
David M. Boan and Josh Ayers
Book - One minute stewardship sermons
Charles Cloughen, Jr.
Book - Ask, thank, tell: improving stewardship ministry in your congregation
Charles R. Lane
Book - Not your parents' offering plate: a new vision for financial stewardship
J. Clif Christopher; foreword by Mike Slaughter
Book - A spirituality of fundraising
Henri J.M. Nouwen
Book - Ministry in the image of God: the trinitarian shape of Christian service
Stephen Seamands
Book - After whiteness: an education in belonging
Willie James Jennings
Book - Rhetoric of the pulpit: a preacher's guide to effective sermons
Jon Meyer Ericson
Book - Growing together: taking mentoring beyond small talk and prayer requests
Melissa B. Kruger
Book - Ordinary: sustainable faith in a radical, restless world
Michael Horton
Book - Family in mission: theology and praxis
Johannes Reimer
Book - Authentic forgiveness: a biblical approach
John C. W. Tran
Book - Contagious generosity: creating a culture of giving in your church
Chris Willard and Jim Sheppard
Book - Acts of Synod of the Christian Reformed Church
Book - The politics of Yahweh: John Howard Yoder, the Old Testament, and the people of God
John C. Nugent; foreword by Stanley Hauerwas
Book - Minutes of the General Assembly
Book - To be Reformed: living the tradition
Joseph D. Small
Book - Calvinus frater in domino: papers of the Twelfth International Congress on Calvin Research
Arnold Huijgen / Karin Maag (eds.)
Book - It's ok to say "God": prelude to a constitutional renaissance
Tad Armstrong
Book - The emotionally absent mother: how to recognize and heal the invisible effects of childhood emotional neglect
Jasmin Lee Cori, MS, LPC
Book - Mastering Differential Diagnosis with the DSM-5: [a symptom-based approach]
presented by Margaret L. Bloom, Ph.D.
Video - Managing suicidal risk: a collaborative approach
David A. Jobes; foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Book - Understanding the borderline mother: helping her children transcend the intense, unpredictable, and volatile relationship
Christine Ann Lawson
Book - God, revelation, and authority
Carl F.H. Henry
E-Book - On animals. Volume 1, Systematic theology
David L. Clough
E-Book - On animals. Volume Two , Theological ethics
David L. Clough
E-Book - Theistic evolution: a scientific, philosophical, and theological critique
edited by J.P. Moreland, Stephen Meyer, Christopher Shaw, Ann K. Gauger, and Wayne Grudem
E-Book - Weep with me: how lament opens a door for racial reconciliation
Mark Vroegop; foreword by by Thabiti Anyabwile