Library Acquisitions for January 2021
These are the books and e-books added to the Covenant Library in January 2021.
- Real talk: creating space for hearts to change
Mark C. Good
Book - A peculiar orthodoxy: reflections on theology and the arts
Jeremy S. Begbie
Book - Glimpses of the New Creation: worship and the formative power of the arts
W. David O. Taylor; [foreword by Jeremy Begbie]
Book - Christianity in culture: a study in biblical theologizing in cross cultural perspective
Charles H. Kraft with Marguerite G. Kraft; [foreword by Paul G. Hiebert]
Book - Christianity and the marketplace
Book - The new faces of Christianity: believing the Bible in the global south
Philip Jenkins
Book - Duplex regnum Christi: Christ's twofold kingdom in reformed theology
Jonathon D. Beeke
Book - Ordained ministry in Free Church perspective: retrieving Robert Browne (c. 1550-1633) for contemporary ecclesiology
Jan Martijn Abrahamse
Book - Who is an evangelical? the history of a movement in crisis
Thomas S. Kidd
Book - Encyclopedia of the Bible and its reception
ed. by Hans-Josef Klauck [and others]
Book - 1 Peter
Daniel M. Doriani
Book - Altorientalischer Kommentar zum Alten Testament
Anton Jirku
Book - On First Samuel
Bede; translated with introduction and commentary by Scott DeGregorio and Rosalind Love
Book - New Testament in antiquity: a survey of the New Testament within its cultural contexts
Gary M. Burge and Gene L. Green
Book - The Holy Bible: Authorized version: set forth in 1611 and commonly known as the King James version. Volume XVI, Luke-John
Book - History of the Pauline corpus in texts, transmissions and trajectories: a textual analysis of manuscripts from the second to the fifth century
Chris S. Stevens
Book - The new Cambridge companion to St. Paul
edited by Bruce W. Longenecker, Baylor University, Texas
Book - Apostolic agenda: with intercessions for securing grace for a converted servant from his Lord, 1630: that is: The Epistles of the holy apostle Paul to Titus and Philemon: explained with clear commentary
Friedrich Balduin; translated by Eric G. Phillips and James L. Langebartels; historical introduction by Benjamin T.G. Mayes
Book - An apostolic gospel: the "Epistula apostolorum" in literary context
Francis Watson
Book - Veritas: a Harvard professor, a con man, and the Gospel of Jesus's Wife
Ariel Sabar
Book - The covenant of works: the origins, development, and reception of the doctrine
J.V. Fesko
Book - Inhabiting the cruciform God: kenosis, justification, and theosis in Paul's narrative soteriology
Michael J. Gorman
Book - Buon lavoro
Istituto di formazione evangelica e documentazione
Book - Eternity today: on the liturgical year
Martin Connell
Book - God is in the manger: reflections on Advent and Christmas
Dietrich Bonhoeffer; translated by O.C. Dean Jr.; compiled and edited by Jana Riess
Book - What he must be: if he wants to marry my daughter
Voddie Baucham
Book - Redemming warriors: veteran suicide, grieving, and the fight for faith
Joshua D. Holler
Book - Placed for a purpose: a simple and sustainable vision for loving your next-door neighbors
Chris and Elizabeth McKinney
Book - The medieval bishops of Dunblane and their church
James Hutchison Cockburn
Book - Catholic and curious
Monsignor Charles Pope
Book - Saint Benedict's rule: a new translation for today
Patrick Barry
Book - Something worth living for: God, the world, yourself, and the Shorter Catechism
Randall Greenwald; foreword by Jerram Barrs
Book - The rise and triumph of the modern self: cultural amnesia, expressive individualism, and the road to sexual revolution
Carl R. Trueman; foreword by Rod Dreher
Book - The Chicago guide to grammar, usage, and punctuation
Bryan A. Garner
Book - Crisis intervention handbook: assessment, treatment, and research
edited by Kenneth R. Yeager, founding editor Albert R. Roberts
Book - The heart of trauma: healing the embodied brain in the context of relationships
Bonnie Badenoch
Book - Acts
L. Scott Kellum; general editors, Andreas J. Kostenberger, Robert W. Yarbrough
E-Book - Barth for armchair theologians
John R. Franke; illustrations by Ron Hill
E-Book - Biblical theology of the New Testament
Peter Stuhlmacher; translated and edited by Daniel P. Bailey; with the collaboration of Jostein Ådna
E-Book - Bibliography on scripture and Christian ethics
compiled by James T. Bretzke
E-Book - Bibliography on scripture and Christian ethics
compiled by James T. Bretzke
E-Book - A brief introduction to John Calvin
Christopher Elwood
E-Book - A brief introduction to Martin Luther
Steven Paulson
E-Book - A brief introduction to the Reformation
Glenn S. Sunshine
E-Book - Christology of the later Fathers
edited by Edward Rochie Hardy, in collaboration with Cyril C. Richardson
E-Book - Evangelism to college football players
Benjamin Weber - Exalting Jesus in Psalms 101-150
Daniel Akin, Johnny Hunt, and Tony Merida
E-Book - Growing in grace
Edited by Joel R. Beeke
E-Book - A handbook to Old Testament exegesis
William P. Brown
E-Book - How to become a multicultural church
Douglas J. Brouwer
E-Book - Introduction to the New Testament
Carl R. Holladay
E-Book - A parliamentary guide for church leaders
C. Barry McCarty
E-Book - Paul and the language of faith
Nijay K. Gupta
E-Book - Preaching in an age of anxiety
Roger Neil Williams - Reading the Bible missionally
edited by Michael W. Goheen
E-Book - Romans
Roger Mohrlang. Galatians / Gerald L. Borchert; General editor, Philip W. Comfort
E-Book - Romans 9-16
edited by Philip D.W. Krey and Peter D.S. Krey; general editor, Timothy George; associate general editor, Scott M. Manetsch
E-Book - Textual studies in the Book of Joshua
Leonard J. Greenspoon
E-Book - Transforming mission theology
Charles Van Engen
E-Book - ACT for clergy and pastoral counselors: using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to bridge psychological and spiritual care
edited by Jason A.Nieuwsma, Robyn D. Walser, Steven C. Hayes; foreword by Siang-Yang Tan
E-Book - Author versus speaker: an approach for exegesis of redemptive historical summaries in biblical narrative
Cheryl L. Eaton
E-Book - Basic Christian leadership: biblical models of church, gospel, and ministry
John Stott
E-Book - Before we forget: reflections from new and seasoned pastors on enduring ministry
edited by Nathan Millican and Jonathon Woodyard,
E-Book - Caring: six steps for effective pastoral conversations
Denise Massey
E-Book - Chasing love: sex, love, and relationships in a confused culture
Sean McDowell
E-Book - The Christ-centered expositor: a field guide for word-driven disciple makers
Tony Merida
E-Book - Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon
E-Book - CHRISTIANS HEARING VOICES: affirming experience and finding meaning
E-Book - The church in mission: foundations and global case studies
Bertil Ekström, editor; foreword by William D. Taylor
E-Book - The church on mission: a biblical vision for transformation among all people
Craig Ott
E-Book - Churches on mission: God's grace abounding to the nations
Geoffrey Hart, Christopher R. Little, John Wang, editors
E-Book - Cognitive behavioral therapy for Christians with depression: a practical tool-based primer
Michelle Pearce, PhD
E-Book - Controversies in mission: theology, people, and practice of mission in the 21st century
Rochelle Cathcart Scheuermann and Edward L. Smither, editors
E-Book - Cynical theories: how activist scholarship made everything about race, gender, and identity - and why this harms everybody
Helen Pluckrose & James Lindsay
E-Book - Disability and spirituality: recovering wholeness
William Gaventa
E-Book - Encountering the Book of Psalms: a literary and theological introduction
C. Hassell Bullock
E-Book - The end of youth ministry? why parents don't really care about youth groups and what youth workers should do about it
Andrew Root
E-Book - The face of forgiveness: a pastoral theology of shame and redemption
Philip D. Jamieson
E-Book - A faith embracing all creatures: addressing commonly asked questions about Christian care for animals
edited by Tripp York and Andy Alexis-Baker; foreword by Marc Bekoff; afterword by Brian McLaren
E-Book - Family systems and congregational life: a map for ministry
R. Robert Creech
E-Book - Forbearance: a theological ethic for a disagreeable church
James Calvin Davis
E-Book - The Gospel of Our King: Bible, Worldview, and the Mission of Every Christian
E-Book - Grace for the afflicted: a clinical and biblical perspective on mental illness
Matthew S. Stanford
E-Book - Hearing John's voice: insights for teaching and preaching
M. Eugene Boring
E-Book - The heart of the preacher: preparing your soul to proclaim the word
Rick Reed
E-Book - Hebrews: An Introduction and Commentary
David G. Peterson
E-Book - Helping groups heal: leading small groups in the process of transformation
Jan Paul Hook, Joshua N. Hook, Don E Davis
E-Book - Holy sexuality and the Gospel: sex, desire, and relationships shaped by God's grand story
Christopher Yuan; foreword by Rosaria Butterfield
E-Book - Homiletics and hermeneutics: four views on preaching today
edited by Scott M. Gibson and Matthew D. Kim
E-Book - How change comes to your church: a guidebook for church innovations
Patrick Keifer and Wesley Granberg-Michaelson
E-Book - In Search of Ancient Roots: The Christian Past and the Evangelical Identity Crisis
Kenneth J. Stewart
E-Book - In stone and story: early Christianity in the Roman world
Bruce W. Longenecker
E-Book - In the fellowship of his suffering: a theological interpretation of mental illness - a focus on "schizophrenia"
Elahe Hessamfar; foreword by John Swinton
E-Book - Introducing Medieval Biblical Interpretation: the Senses of Scripture in Premodern Exegesis
Ian Christopher Levy
E-Book - Introducing practical theology: mission, ministry, and the life of the church
Pete Ward
E-Book - Introducing the New Testament: a historical, literary, and theological survey
Mark Allan Powell
E-Book - An introduction to Christian worldview: pursuing God's perspective in a pluralistic world
Tawa J. Anderson, W. Michael Clark, and David K. Naugle
Book - John: an introduction and commentary
Colin G. Kruse
E-Book - Leading with story: cultivating Christ-centered leaders in a storycentric generation
Rick Sessoms
E-Book - The least of these: Paul and the marginalized
Carla Swafford Works; foreword by Todd D. Still
E-Book - The Letter and Spirit of Biblical Interpretation: From the Early Church to Modern Practice
E-Book - A Manual for Preaching: the Journey from Text to Sermon
E-Book - Matthew: interpreted by early Christian commentators
translated and edited by D.H. Williams
E-Book - The message of Romans: God's good news for the world
John R.W. Stott
E-Book - Ministering cross-culturally: a model for effective personal relationships
Sherwood G. Lingenfelter and Marvin K. Mayers
E-Book - Paul and gender: reclaiming the apostle's vision for men and women in Christ
Cynthia Long Westfall
E-Book - Paul for everyone: Romans: part 1: chapters 1-8
N. T. Wright
E-Book - Pauline dogmatics: the triumph of God's love
Douglas A. Campbell
E-Book - Preaching God's Grand Drama: a Biblical-Theological Approach
Ahmi Lee; foreword by Mark Labberton
E-Book - The Presbyterian story: origins & progress of a Reformed tradition
S. Donald Fortson III
E-Book - A public missiology: how local churches witness to a complex world
Gregg Okesson
E-Book - Reading the Epistle of James: a resource for students
edited by Eric F. Mason and Darian R. Lockett
E-Book - Relationality: from attachment to intersubjectivity
Stephen A. Mitchell
E-Book - Restoring the shattered self: a Christian counselor's guide to complex trauma
Heather Davediuk Gingrich
E-Book - The rise and triumph of the modern self: cultural amnesia, expressive individualism, and the road to sexual revolution
Carl R. Trueman; foreword by Rod Dreher
E-Book - Sacramental preaching: sermons on the hidden presence of Christ
Hans Boersma
E-Book - Sexual identity and faith: helping clients find congruence
Mark A. Yarhouse
E-Book - Spiritual leadership: principles of excellence for every believer
J. Oswald Sanders
E-Book - Spirituality for the sent: casting a new vision for the missional church
edited by Nathan A. Finn and Keith S. Whitfield
E-Book - Spirituality in mission: embracing the lifelong journey
edited by John Amalraj, Geoffrey W. Hahn, William D. Taylor; forwards by Bertil Ekstrom and C. Rosalee Velloso Ewell
E-Book - Stay in the city: how Christian faith is flourishing in an urban world
Mark R. Gornik and Maria Liu Wong
E-Book - Still sovereign: contemporary perspectives on election, foreknowledge, and grace
edited by Thomas R. Schreiner and Bruce A. Ware
E-Book - Studying the New Testament through inscriptions: an introduction
E-Book - Tackling mental illness together: a biblical and practical approach
Alan Thomas
E-Book - Teen mental health in an online world: supporting young people around their use of social media, apps, gaming, texting and the rest
Victoria Betton and James Woollard
E-Book - Tending soul, mind, and body: the art and science of spiritual formation
edited by Gerald Hiestand and Todd Wilson
E-Book - Theodicy of love: cosmic conflict and the problem of evil
John C. Peckham
E-Book - The theology of Jeremiah: the book, the man, the message
John Goldingay
E-Book - Trauma and grace: theology in a ruptured world
Serene Jones
E-Book - Understanding therapy: how different approaches solve real-world problems
Rudy Nydegger
E-Book - What is Jesus doing? God's activity in the life and work of the church
edited by Edwin Chr. van Driel
E-Book - When narcissism comes to church: healing your community from emotional and spiritual abuse
Chuck DeGroat; foreword by Richard J. Mouw
E-Book - Who Is an evangelical? the history of a movement in crisis
Thomas S. Kidd
E-Book - Woke church: an urgent call for Christians in America to confront racism and injustice
Eric Mason
E-Book - The worlds of the preacher: navigating biblical, cultural, and personal contexts
foreword by Bryan Chapell; edited by Scott M. Gibson
E-Book - The Lord's Prayer and the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew's Gospel
E-Book - Reimagining apologetics: the beauty of faith in a secular age
Justin Ariel Bailey