Library Acquisitions for December 2020
These are the books and e-books added to the Covenant Library in December 2020.
- Gilles Deleuze
Christopher Watkin
Book - Immanuel Kant
Shao Kai Tseng
Book - Sacred texts and disparate interpretations: Qumran manuscripts seventy years later: proceedings of the international conference held at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, 24-26 October 2017
edited by Henryk Drawnel
Book - Calvin, the Bible, and history: exegesis and historical reflection in the era of reform
Barbara Pitkin
Book - The kingdom of God in Africa: a history of African Christianity
Mark Shaw and Wanjiru M. Gitau
Book - Evangelical theology: a biblical and systematic introduction
Michael F. Bird
Book - Elements of biblical exegesis: a basic guide for students and ministers
Michael J. Gorman
Book - Convergences: canon and catholicity
Christopher R. Seitz
Book - Biblical theology according to the apostles: how the earliest Christians told the story of Israel
Chris Bruno, Jared Compton and Kevin McFadden; series editor, D.A. Carson
Book - The harvest handbook of Bible prophecy
Ed Hindson, Mark Hitchcock, Tim LaHaye, general editors
Book - The book of Amos
M. Daniel Carroll R.
Book - Exploring the composition of the Pentateuch
edited by L.S. Baker Jr., Kenneth Bergland, Felipe A. Masotti, and A, Rahel Wells
Book - Exodus
Eugene Carpenter
Book - Shadal on Exodus: Samuel David Luzzatto's interpretation of the Book of Shemot
translated and edited by Daniel A. Klein
Book - Esther
Anthony Tomasino
Book - Psalms 73-150: a commentary in the Wesleyan tradition
David L. Thompson
Book - Life through God's word: Psalm 119
Christopher J.H. Wright
Book - Discerning the dynamics of Jeremiah 25-52 (MT)
Mark A O'Brien OP
Book - A mouth full of fire: the word of God in the words of Jeremiah
Andrew G. Shead
Book - The letter to the Ephesians
Lynn H. Cohick
Book - Romans
Frank Thielman
Book - The Q hypothesis unveiled: theological, sociological, and hermeneutical issues behind the Sayings Source
Markus Tiwald (ed.)
Book - John 1-10: a handbook on the Greek text
Lidija Novakovic
Book - John 11-21: a handbook on the Greek text
Lidija Novakovic
Book - Portraits of Jesus in the Gospel of John: a Christological spectrum
edited by Craig R. Koester
Book - Acts
L. Scott Kellum; general editors, Andreas J. Kostenberger, Robert W. Yarbrough
Book - Hebrews
Dana M. Harris
Book - Jude
Herbert W. Bateman IV
Book - Introduction to Christian liturgy
Frank C. Senn
Book - The future of Christian marriage
Mark Regnerus
Book - Helping without hurting in short-term missions: leader's guide
Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert
Book - Pastors and their critics: a guide to coping with criticism in the ministry
Joel R. Beeke and Nicholas J. Thompson
Book - Is it abuse? a biblical guide to identifying domestic abuse and helping victims
Darby A. Strickland
Book - J.I. Packer: his life and thought
Alister McGrath
Book - Empty admiration: Robert Lewis Dabney's expository homiletic
Russell St. John; foreword by Scott M. Gibson
Book - Why black lives matter: African American thriving for the twenty-first century
edited by Anthony B. Bradley
Book - Let slavery die: the life of Henry Highland Garnet and his 1865 discourse before the House of Representatives
Henry Highland Garnet; with a biographical introduction by James McCune Smith
Book - White fragility: why it's so hard for White people to talk about racism
Robin DiAngelo
Book - Trauma-informed care: how neuroscience influences practice
Amanda Evans and Patricia Coccoma
Book - Childhood disrupted: how your biography becomes your biology, and how you can heal
Donna Jackson Nakazawa
Book - Innovation in world mission: a framework for transformational thinking about the future of world mission
Derek T. Seipp
E-Book - 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon
edited by Lee Gatiss and Bradley G. Green; general editor, Timothy George; associate general editor, Scott M. Manetsch
E-Book - Corpus Thomisticum
subsidia studii ab Enrique Alarcón, collecta et edita
E-Resource - Faith and ethnicity. Volume 1
Eddy A.J. G. Van der Borght, Dirk van Keulen, Marti en E. Brinkman (eds.)
E-Book - Faith and ethnicity. Volume 2
Eddy A.J. G. Van der Borght, Dirk van Keulen, Marti en E. Brinkman (eds.)
E-Book - First and Second Timothy and Titus
Christopher R. Hutson
E-Book - Genre and openness in Proverbs 10:1-22:16
Suzanna R. Millar
E-Book - Helping your family through PTSD
Greg E. Gifford; foreword by John Babler
E-Book - Interfigural readings of the Gospel of John
Ingrid Rosa Kitzberger
E-Book - Philippians and Philemon
James W. Thompson and Bruce W. Longenecker
E-Book - Revelation
Sigve K. Tonstad
E-Book - Spiritually oriented psychotherapy for trauma
[edited by] Donald F. Walker, Christine A. Courtois, and Jamie D. Aten
E-Book - T&T Clark handbook of ecclesiology
edited by Kimlyn J. Bender and D. Stephen Long
E-Book - 1 Timothy: a new covenant commentary
Aída Besanc̦on Spencer
E-Book - Darkness is my only companion: a Christian response to mental illness
Kathryn Greene-McCreight
E-Book - Diaspora missions: reflections on reaching the scattered peoples of the world
Michael Pocock and Enoch Wan, editors
E-Book - The epistles for all Christians: epistolary literature, circulation, and the gospels for all Christians
David A. Smith
E-Book - Ethics for Christian ministry: moral formation for twenty-first-century leaders
Joe E. Trull and R. Robert Creech
E-Book - Ethics in Christian ministry: a guide for pastors and mentors
Charles W. Christian
E-Book - God on the brain: what cognitive science does (and does not) tell us about faith, human nature, and the divine
Bradley L. Sickler
E-Book - Grace for the children: finding hope in the midst of child and adolescent mental illness
Matthew S. Stanford, PhD
E-Book - Intentional preaching: a view from the pew
Meirwyn Walters
E-Book - Living in union with Christ: Paul's gospel and Christian moral identity / Grant Macaskill
E-Book - The minister as moral theologian: ethical dimensions of pastoral leadership
Sondra Wheeler
E-Book - Preaching for a verdict: recovering the role of exhortation / J. Josh Smith
E-Book - Preaching Jesus Christ today: six questions for moving from scripture to sermon
Annette Brownlee
E-Book - Preaching like the prophets: the Hebrew prophets as examples for pastoral preaching
Robert A. Carlson
E-Book - Reckoning with race and performing the good news: in search of a better evangelical theology
Vincent E. Bacote
E-Book - Recovering from un-natural disasters: a guide for pastors and congregations after violence and trauma
Laurie Kraus, David Holyan, and Bruce Wismer
E-Book - Refugee diaspora: missions amid the greatest humanitarian crisis of our times
Sam George & Miriam Adeney, editors
E-Book - Shepherding God's people: a guide to faithful and fruitful pastoral ministry
Siang-Yang Tan; foreword by John Ortberg
E-Book - Shifting stacks: a look at the future of theological libraries in celebration of Atla's 75th Anniversary
edited by Matthew Collins, James Estes and Myka Kennedy Stephens
E-Book - Stott on the Christian life: between two worlds
Tim Chester
E-Book - Training missionaries: principles and possibilities
Evelyn and Richard Hibbert
E-Book - Walking together on the Jesus road: discipling in intercultural contexts
Evelyn and Richard Hibbert
E-Book - Why is my teenager feeling like this? a guide for helping teens through anxiety and depression
David Murray
E-Book - Black theology papers project
E-Resource - The pluralism project /Harvard University