Library Acquisitions for October 2021
These are the books and e-books added to the Covenant Library in October 2021.
- Demonology for the global church: a biblical approach in a multicultural age
Scott D.MacDonald; foreword by Erwin W. Lutzer
Book - Swirly
written by Sara Saunders; illustrated by Matthew Pierce
Book - The wayfarer: perspectives on forced migration and transformational community development
Barnabé Anzuruni Msabah
Book - Restoring all things: God's audacious plan to save the world through everyday people
Warren Cole Smith and John Stonestreet
Book - Reformation sketches: insights into Luther, Calvin, and the confessions
W. Robert Godfrey
Book - A lover's quarrel with the evangelical church
Warren Cole Smith
Book - Illuminating the word: the making of the Saint John's Bible
Christopher Calderhead
Book - Five models of Scripture
Mark Reasoner
Book - Interpreting Scripture: essays on the Bible and hermeneutics
N.T. Wright
Book - The lost world of scripture: ancient literary culture and biblical authority
John H. Walton and D. Brent Sandy
Book - Seven things I wish Christians knew about the Bible
Michael F. Bird
Book - Covenant: the framework of God's grand plan of redemption
Daniel I. Block
Book - Hosea: God's reconciliation with his estranged household
Jerry Hwang
Book - The lost world of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2-3 and the human origins debate
John H. Walton; with a contribution by N.T.Wright
Book - Joshua
Paul R. Hinlicky
Book - A sheep remembers
David B. Calhoun
Book - The book of Proverbs and virtue ethics: integrating the biblical and philosophical traditions
Arthur Jan Keefer, Eton College
Book - A critical and exegetical commentary on Ecclesiastes
Stuart Weeks
Book - Joel, Nahum and Malachi
Joseph Too Shao and Rosa Ching Shao; general editor, Andrew B. Spurgeon [and five others]
Book - Zechariah
R. Reed Lessing
Book - The letter of James
Douglas J. Moo
Book - Breakfast on the beach: the development of Simon Peter
Johannes W.H. van der Bijl
Book - Come and read: interpretive approaches to the Gospel of John
edited by Alicia D. Myers and Lindsey S. Jodrey
Book - Interpreting Paul: the canonical Paul
Luke Timothy Johnson
Book - Interpreting Paul: essays on the Apostle and his letters
N.T. Wright
Book - Galatians
N.T. Wright
Book - First and Second Thessalonians
Nathan Eubank
Book - A commentary on James
Aida Besancon Spencer
Book - Revelation
Amos Yong
Book - Interpreting Jesus: essays on the Gospels
N.T. Wright
Book - The Messianic theology of the New Testament
Joshua W. Jipp
Book - Neither complementarian nor egalitarian: a kingdom corrective to the evangelical gender debate
Michelle Lee-Barnewall; foreword by Craig L. Blomberg; afterword by Lynn H. Cohick
Book - Work that makes a difference
Daniel M. Doriani
Book - Determined to believe? the sovereignty of God, freedom, faith, and human responsibility
John C. Lennox
Book - Cultural apologetics video lectures: renewing the Christian voice, conscience, and imagination in a disenchanted world
produced and distributed by Zondervan; written and presented by Paul M. Gould
Video - Does prayer change things?
R.C. Sproul
Book - Leading small groups that thrive: five shifts to take your small group to the next level
Ryan T. Hartwig, Courtney W. Davis, Jason A. Sniff
Book - Paul's vision for the deacons: assisting the elders with the care of God's Church
Alexander Strauch
Book - How to stay Christian in seminary
David Mathis & Jonathan Parnell; foreword by John Piper
Book - Expository preaching in Africa: engaging orality for effective proclamation
Ezekiel A. Ajibade
Book - Jesus in Athens
Video - The fruit of the Spirit is... :
J.V. Fesko
Book - Discipling in a multicultural world
Ajith Fernando; foreword by Robert E. Coleman
Book - Welcome to college: a Christ-follower's guide for the journey
Jonathan Morrow; [foreword by John Stonestreet]
Book - Entrepreneurship for human flourishing
Chris Horst and Peter Greer, HOPE International
Book - Catholicism: Christ and the common destiny of man
Henri de Lubac; translated by Lancelot C. Sheppard and Elizabeth Englund
Book - Minutes of the special meeting of the Council of delegates
Book - The Oxford handbook of Presbyterianism
edited by Gary Scott Smith and P.C. Kemeny
Book - Minutes of the Associate Reformed Synod
Book - McCheyne's Dundee
Bruce McLennan
Book - J. Gresham Machen: a guided tour of his life and thought
Stephen J. Nichols
Book - The Oxford handbook of Calvin and Calvinism
edited by Bruce Gordon, Carl R. Trueman
Book - The Synod of Dort: historical, theological, and experiential perspectives
Joel R. Beeke; Martin I. Klauber (editors)
Book - God and knowledge: Herman Bavinck's theological epistemology
Nathaniel Gray Sutanto
Book - C.S. Lewis and the arts: creativity in the Shadowlands
edited by Rod Miller; foreword by Theodore Prescott
Book - The dark tower, and other stories
C. S. Lewis; edited by Walter Hooper
Book - 1, 2, 3 John
Daniel L. Akin
E-Book - 1, 2 Chronicles
J.A. Thompson
E-Book - 1, 2 Kings
Paul R. House
E-Book - 1, 2 Peter, Jude
Thomas R. Schreiner
E-Book - 1, 2 Samuel
Robert D. Bergen
E-Book - 1, 2 Thessalonians
D. Michael Martin
E-Book - 1, 2 Timothy, Titus
Thomas D. Lea, Hayne P. Griffin, Jr.
E-Book - Amos, Obadiah, Jonah
Billy K. Smith, Frank S. Page
E-Book - The city of God and the goal of creation
T. Desmond Alexander
E-Book - Daniel
Stephen R. Miller
E-Book - Deuteronomy
Eugene H. Merrill
E-Book - Exodus
Douglas K. Stuart
E-Book - Ezekiel
Lamar Eugene Cooper, Sr.
E-Book - Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
Mervin Breneman
E-Book - Galatians
Timothy George
E-Book - Genesis 1-11:26
Kenneth A. Mathews
Book - Genesis 11:27-50:26
Kenneth A. Mathews
E-Book - The gospel of Luke
Pablo T. Gadenz
E-Book - Haggai, Malachi
Richard A. Taylor, E. Ray Clendenen
E-Book - Hebrews
David L. Allen
E-Book - Hebrews
Mary Healy
E-Book - Hosea, Joel
Duane A. Garrett
E-Book - How can I love church members with different politics?
Jonathan Leeman and Andy Naselli
E-Book - Isaiah 40-66
Gary V. Smith
E-Book - James
Kurt A. Richardson
E-Book - Jeremiah, Lamentations
F.B. Huey, Jr.
E-Book - Job
Robert L. Alden
E-Book - John 1-11
Gerald L. Borchert
E-Book - John 12-21
Gerald L. Borchert
E-Book - Joshua
David M. Howard, Jr.
E-Book - Judges, Ruth
Daniel I. Block
E-Book - Leviticus
Mark F. Rooker
E-Book - Luke
Robert H. Stein
E-Book - Mark
James A. Brooks
E-Book - Mark
Joel F. Williams; Andreas J. Köstenberger, Robert W. Yarbrough, general editors
E-Book - Matthew
Craig L. Blomberg
E-Book - Matthew-Luke
/ editors; James M. Hamilton Jr., Iain M. Duguid, and Jay Sklar
E-Book - Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah
Kenneth L. Barker, Waylon Bailey
E-Book - Numbers
R. Dennis Cole
E-Book - Philippians, Colossians, Philemon
Richard R. Melick, Jr.
E-Book - Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of songs
Duane A. Garrett
E-Book - Romans
Robert H. Mounce
E-Book - Romans
Scott W. Hahn
E-Book - The serpent and the serpent slayer
Andrew David Naselli
E-Book - What if I don't desire to pray?
John Onwuchekwa
E-Book - What if I'm discouraged in my evangelism?
Isaac Adams
E-Book - Why should I join a church?
Mark Dever
E-Book - Zechariah
George L. Klein
E-Book - Acts: verse by verse
Grant R. Osborne
E-Book - Church leadership and strategy: for the care of souls
Harold L. Senkbeil and Lucas V. Woodford; foreword by Brian Croft
E-Book - Colossians & Philemon: verse by verse
Grant R. Osborne
E-Book - Covenant theology: biblical, theological, and historical perspectives
edited by Guy Prentiss Waters, J. Nicholas Reid, and John R. Muether; foreword by Ligon Duncan
E-Book - Distinguishing the church: explorations in word, sacrament, and discipline
Greg Peters and Matt Jenson, editors
E-Book - Epistolarum B. Pauli Apostoli triplex expositio ..: analysi ... paraphrasi ... commentario ...
Auctore R.P. Bernardino a Piconio ...
E-Book - The essential Trinity: New Testament foundations and practical relevance
edited by Brandon D. Crowe and Carl R. Trueman
E-Book - Expositio analytica omnium Apostolicarum Epistolarum, seu, Brevis introductio ad pleniores commentarios: in vsum studiosorum theologiae
operâ Davidis Dicsoni ...
E-Book - An exposition of the third chapter of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians: also Two sermons of Christian watchfulnesse, the first upon Luke 12.37, the second upon Revl. 16.15.; An exposition of part of the second chapter of the Epistle to the Philipp., A sermon upon Mal. 4. 2. 3
the late reverend divine Richard Sibbes ...
E-Book - An exposition vpon the Epistle to the Colossians: wherein, not onely the text is methodically analysed, and the sence of the words, by the help of writers, both ancient and moderne is explayned: but also, by doctrine and vse, the intent of the Holy Ghost is in euery place more fully vnfolded and vrged: and besides, the very marrow of most common-places is aptly diffused throughout the body of this exposition, as the nature of this kinde of teaching would beare: and further, many chiefe cases of conscience are here resolued: being, the substance of neare seuen yeeres weeke-dayes sermons
of N. Byfield ... corrected and amended
E-Book - Growing together: taking mentoring beyond small talk and prayer requests
Melissa B. Kruger
E-Book - Henri Nouwen and soul care: a ministry of integration
Wil Hernandez
E-Book - Horae paulinae, or, The truth of the Scripture history of St. Paul: evinced by a comparison of the epistles which bear his name with the Acts of the Apostles and with one another
E-Book - Isaiah 1-39: an exegetical and theological exposition of Holy Scripture
Gary V. Smith
E-Book - James: verse by verse
Grant R. Osborne
E-Book - A key to the key of Scripture, or, An exposition with notes, upon the Epistle to the Romanes; the three first chapters: begun at Walsall in Staffordshire, continued at Pitmister in Somerset
William Sclater Batchelar in Diuinitie, and minister of the Word of God at Pitmister in Somerset.
E-Book - Life questions every student asks: faithful responses to common issues
edited by Gary M. Burge and David Lauber
E-Book - Observations on the conversion and apostleship of St. Paul: In a letter to Gilbert West, Esq
E-Book - Providence: a biblical, historical, and theological account
Mark W. Elliott
E-Book - Pulpit apologist: the vital link between preaching and apologetics
Thomas J. Gentry II
E-Book - Questions on the Epistle to the Romans: designed for Bible classes and Sunday schools
Albert Barnes
E-Book - Revelation: the Spirit speaks to the churches
James M. Hamilton, Jr.
E-Book - Revelation: verse by verse
Grant R. Osborne
E-Book - The scripture doctrine of sanctification: being a critical explication and paraphrase of sixth and seventh chapters of the Epistle to Romans, and the four first verses of the eighth chapter: with an appendix, wherein the Apostle's doctrine, principles, and reasoning, are applied to the purposes of holy practice, and of evangelical preaching
the Rev. James Fraser
E-Book - Surviving and thriving in seminary: an academic and spiritual handbook
H. Daniel Zacharias, Benjamin K. Forrest
E-Book - Who do you say I am? on the humanity of Jesus
Who do you say I am / edited by George Kalantzis; David B. Capes; Ty Kieser