Library Acquisitions for May 2022
These are the books and e-books added to the Covenant Library in May 2022.
- The Apostolic Fathers: Clement, Ignatius, and Polycarp: revised text with introductions, notes, dissertations, and translations
edited and translated by J.B. Lightfoot
Book - Moralia et ascetica armeniaca: the oft-repeated discourses: Yačaxapatum čaṙkʻ
translated by Abraham Terian
Book - After the New Testament, 100-300 C.E: a reader in early Christianity
[compiled by] Bart D. Ehrman
Book - Rembrandt is in the wind: learning to love art through the eyes of faith
Russ Ramsey
Book - Romans
Daniel M. Doriani
Book - Misreading scripture with individualist eyes: patronage, honor, and shame in the biblical world
E. Randolph Richards and Richard James
Book - The secular Bible: why nonbelievers must take religion seriously
Jacques Berlinerblau
Book - Old Testament: a historical and literary introduction to the Hebrew scriptures
Michael D. Coogan
Book - From paradise to the promised land: an introduction to the Pentateuch
T. Desmond Alexander
Book - 1 & 2 Chronicles: a message for Yehud: an introduction and study guide
Leslie C. Allen
Book - The Oxford handbook of wisdom and the Bible
edited by Will Kynes
Book - The New Testament: a historical introduction to the early Christian writings
Bart D. Ehrman
Book - Exposition of the Epistle of James and the Epistles of John
Simon J. Kistemaker
Book - Glory of God and Paul: text, themes and theology
Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson
Book - The political teachings of Jesus
Tod Lindberg
Book - CY: a seven-week course for young people
edited by Tim Thornborough and Alison Mitchell
Kit - Epic explorers: exploring the life of Jesus with children aged 4-11
Christianity Explored
Book - Soul: a seven-week introduction to Jesus for teenagers and young adults
Kit - Power in weakness: Paul's transformed vision for ministry
Timothy G. Gombis
Book - Discipleship explored: what's the best love you've ever known? leader's kit
Barry Cooper
Kit - Elements of Christian thought: a basic course in Christianese
Eugene F. Rogers Jr.
Book - Philosophy of revelation: a new annotated edition adapted and expanded from the 1908 Stone lectures: presented at Princeton Theological Seminary
Herman Bavinck; edited by Cory Brock and Nathaniel Gray Sutanto; foreword by James P. Eglinton
Book - Gender identity and faith: clinical postures, tools, and case studies for client-centered care
Mark A. Yarhouse and Julia A. Sadusky
Book - Deeper: real change for real sinners
Dane C. Ortlund
Book - The faithful apologist: rethinking the role of persuasion in apologetics
K. Scott Oliphint
Book - Historical foundations of worship: Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant perspectives
edited by Melanie C. Ross and Mark A. Lamport; introductions by Nicholas Wolterstorff and John Witvliet
Book - The true doctrine of prayer,
Leander Chamberlain; with a foreword by the Rev. William R. Huntington, D.D.
Book - The Lord's prayer: six sermons preached in the cathedral church of Winchester during Advent and Christmastide, 1933
the Rev. Leonard Hodgson
Book - The prayer of sonship,
the Rev. B. F. Simpson, with an introduction by the Bishop of London
Book - Be thou my vision: a liturgy for daily worship
Jonathan Gibson
Book - Church plantology: the art and science of planting churches
Peyton Jones
Book - Guidebook for instruction in the christian religion
Herman Bavinck; foreword by James P. Eglinton; edited and translated by Gregory Parker, Cameron Clausing
Book - 100 ways to improve your Sunday school teaching,
Erwin L. Shaver
Book - Christian conquests in the Congo
John McKendree Springer. Introduction by Frank Mason North
Book - Amongst Australian aborigines: forty years of missionary work: the story of the United Aborigines' Mission
E.J. Telfer
Book - The Sunday-night service; a study in continuous evangelism
Wilbur Fletcher Sheridan
Book - Attempt great things for God: theological education in disaspora
Chloe T. Sun
Book - The hope of the gospel: theological education and the next evangelicalism
Mark S. Young
Book - God's word and man's!: a positive approach to the relationship of God's truth to man's wisdom in a time of stress
George K. Bowers
Book - Is anyone for real?
Introduction by Gert Behanna
Book - Peaceable fruit for the nurture of covenant youth
Gertrude Hoeksema
Book - Compendium of theology
Thomas Aquinas; translated by Richard J. Regan
Book - Shipwrecks of faith: three sermons preached before the University of Cambridge in May, 1867
Richard Chenevix Trench
Book - Presbyterian women of South Carolina
Margaret A. Gist, editor
Book - God or Baal: two letters on the reformation of worship and pastoral service
John Calvin; translated by David C. Noe; foreword by Bruce Gordon
Book - Jean Calvin: les hommes et les choses de son temps
par E. Doumergue; ouvrage orné de la reproduction de 157 estampes anciennes, autographes, etc., et de 113 dessins originaux par H. Armand-Delille
Book - Iconographie calvinienne: ouvrage dédié à l'Université de Genève
par E. Doumergue; et suivi de deux appendices, catalogue des portraits gravés de Calvin par H. Maillart-Gosse; inventaire des médailles concernant Calvin par Eug. Demole
Book - Zondervan essential atlas of the Bible
Carl G. Rasmussen
Map / Atlas - Tattoos: telling the secrets of the soul
Allan Dayhoff
Book - Foundations of career counseling: a case-based approach
Suzanne M. Dugger, University of Mississippi
Book - Beginning with New Testament Greek: an introductory study of the grammar and syntax of the New Testament
Benjamin L. Merkle, Robert L. Plummer
Book - Shakeshafte and other plays
Rowab Williams, foreword by Jay Parini
Book - How the world really works: the science behind how we got here and where we're going
Vaclav Smil
Book - Desk reference to the diagnostic criteria from DSM-5-TR
American Psychiatric Association
Book - Internal family systems therapy (IFS)
Frank Anderson, M.D.
Video - The divine will considered in its eternal decrees and holy execution of them
Edward Polhill ... Esquire
E-Book - The doctrine of scripture
Brad East; foreword by Katherine Sonderegger
E-Book - Education, Greco-Roman
Mark Joyal
E-Resource - A Greek-English lexicon
compiled by Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott
E-Resource - How can we help victims of trauma and abuse?
Susan L. and Stephen N. Williams. C.A. Carson, series editor
E-Book - How should we think about homosexuality?
Mark A. Yarhouse; edited by D. A. Carson
E-Book - The mystery of magistracy unvailed, or, God's ordinance of magistracy asserted, cleared and vindicated from heathenish domination, tyrannous and antichristian usurpation, despisers of dignities, and contemners of authorities ...
An Unworthy servant and subject of Jesus Christ
E-Book - Outlines of theology
A.A. Hodge
E-Book - Performance criticism
Jin H. Han
E-Resource - Revelation
Amos Yong
E-Book - Teaching as Jesus taught
Roy B. Zuck
E-Book - The true Messiah, in Scripture light, or, The unity of God, and proper sonship of Jesus Christ, affirmed and defended
David Millard, Minister of the Gospel
E-Book - The scripture doctrine of the proper divinity, real personality, and the external and extraordinary works of the Holy Spirit: stated and defended; in sixteen sermons, preach'd at the Merchants lecture at Pinners-Hall, In the Years 1729, 1730, 1731
the late Mr. John Hurrion
E-Book - Agents of flourishing: pursuing shalom in every corner of society
Amy L. Sherman
E-Book - All thy lights combine: figural reading in the Anglican tradition
Ephraim Radner and David Ney, editors; foreword by Hans Boersma
E-Book - Already sanctified: a theology of the Christian life in light of God's completed work
Don J. Payne
E-Book - Becoming a missionary church: Lesslie Newbigin and contemporary church movements
Michael W. Goheen and Timothy M. Sheridan
E-Book - Bivocational and beyond: educating for thriving multivocational ministry
edited by Darryl W. Stephens
E-Book - Christ, the way: Augustine's theology of wisdom
Benjamin T. Quinn
E-Book - The church and her scriptures: essays in honor of Patrick J. Hartin
edited by Catherine Brown Tkacz and Douglas Kries
E-Book - Church doctrine & the Bible: theology in ancient context
David Instone-Brewer
E-Book - Communion of saints in context: theological, pastoral and missiological perspectives from Asia and Oceania
edited by Eric Trozzo, Cheong Weng Kit and Joefrerick Ating
E-Book - Considerations of the existence of God, and of the immortality of the soul: with the recompences of the future state: to which is now added The divinity of the Christian religion proved by the evidence of reason and divine revelation: for the cure of infidelity, the hectick evil of the times
William Bates
E-Book - The covenant of life opened, or, A treatise of the covenant of grace: containing something of the nature of the covenant of works, the soveraignty of God, the extent of the death of Christ, the nature & properties of the covenant of grace: and especially of the covenant of suretyship or redemption between the Lord and the Son Jesus Christ, infants right to Jesus Christ, and the seal of baptisme: with some practicall questions and observations
Samuel Rutherfurd, professor of divinitie in the University of S. Andrews
E-Book - Creative counselling: creative tools and interventions to nurture therapeutic relationships
Tanja Sharpe; foreword by Suzanne Alderson
E-Book - Cultural contextualization of apologetics: exploration and application of the apostle Paul's model
Matt W. Lee
E-Book - A discourse concerning the being and attributes of God, the obligations of natural religion, and the truth and certainty of the Christian revelation: in answer to Mr. Hobbs, Spinoza, the author of The oracles of reason, and other deniers of natural and revealed religion: being sixteen sermons, preached ... in the years 1704, and 1705 ...
Samuel Clarke ...
E-Book - The economy of the covenants between God and man: comprehending a complete body of divinity
Herman Witsius; faithfully translated from the Latin, and carefully revised, by William Crookshank, D.D. In two volumes
E-Book - The economy of the covenants between God and man: comprehending a complete body of divinity ...
Herman Witsius ... Faithfully translated from the Latin and carefully revised by William Crookshank ... To which is prefixed, the life of the author
E-Book - For a continuing church: the roots of the Presbyterian Church in America
Sean Michael Lucas
E-Book - A free inquiry into the miraculous powers: which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church, from the earliest ages through several successive centuries: by which it is shewn, that we have no sufficient reason to believe, upon the authority of the primitive fathers, that any such powers were continued to the church, after the days of the apostles
Conyers Middleton, D.D.
E-Book - The French Huguenots and wars of religion: three centuries of resistance for freedom of conscience
Stephen M. Davis; foreword by William Edgar
E-Book - God's grand design: the theological vision of Jonathan Edwards
Sean Michael Lucas
E-Book - Greek for life: strategies for learning, retaining, and reviving New Testament Greek
Benjamin L. Merkle and Robert L. Plummer; foreword by William D. Mounce
E-Book - An historical account of the controversies that have been in the Church, concerning the doctrine of the Holy and everblessed Trinity: in eight sermons, preached at the cathedral-church of St. Paul, London, in the years 1723 and 1724: at the lecture founded by the worthy Lady Moyer, deceased
William Berriman
E-Book - How the Church Fathers read the Bible: a short introduction
Gerald Bray
E-Book - In the fullness of time: an introduction to the biblical theology of Acts and Paul
Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.; foreword by Sinclair B. Ferguson
E-Book - The life & impact of Phil Parshall: connecting with muslims
Kenneth Nehrbass and Mark Williams, editors
E-Book - Looking unto Jesus: a view of the everlasting gospel, or, The soul's eyeing of Jesus, as carrying on the great work of man's salvation, from first to last
Isaac Ambrose
E-Book - Meditations and discourses on the glory of Christ: in his person, office, and grace with the differences between faith and sight: applied unto the use of them that believe
... John Owen, D.D.
E-Book - The person in psychology and Christianity: a faith-based critique of five theories of social development
Marjorie Lindner Gunnoe
E-Book - Philosophy: a Christian introduction
James K. Jr Dew and Paul M. Gould
E-Book - Power politics and moral order: three generations of Christian realism: a reader
edited by Eric D. Patterson and Robert J. Joustra
E-Book - Preaching points: 55 tips for improving your pulpit ministry
edited by Scott M. Gibson; contributions by Haddon W. Robinson, Jeffrey D. Arthurs, Patricia M. Batten, Scott M. Gibson, Matthew D. Kim
E-Book - Reading poetry as learning: the pedagogical impact of the readerly interpretive process in Proverbs 31:1-9
Victoria K. Tatko
Thesis Online - Reading the Book of Revelation: five principles for interpretation/
Alexander E. Stewart
E-Book - Rejoice and tremble: the surprising good news of the fear of the Lord
Michael Reeves
E-Book - Survival and resistance in Evangelical America: Christian reconstruction in the Pacific Northwest
Crawford Gribben
E-Book - Thirteen sermons concerning the doctrine of the trinity: Preach'd at the merchant's-lecture, at Salter's Hall together with a vindication of that celebrated text, I John v.7. from being spurious, and an explication of it upon the supposition of its being genuine: In four sermons, preach'd at the same lecture. An. 1719, 1720
Edmund Calamy
E-Book - Useful and important questions concerning Jesus the Son of God freely proposed: with a humble attempt to answer them according to Scripture ..: To which is added, A charitable essay on the true importance of any human schemes to explain the sacred doctrine of the Trinity
E-Book - Voices long silenced: women biblical interpreters through the centuries
Joy A. Schroeder and Marion Ann Taylor
E-Book - Who God is: meditations on the character of our God
Ben Witherington III
E-Book - A treatise on the Holy Spirit and his operations . An exposition of the 130th Psalm
John Owen