Library Acquisitions for March 2022
These are the books and e-books added to the Covenant Library in March 2022.
- Teaching across cultures: a global Christian perspective
edited by Perry Shaw, César Lopes, Joanna Feliciano-Soberano, Bob Heaton
Book - Religious parenting: transmitting faith and values in contemporary America
Christian Smith, Bridget Ritz & Michael Rotolo
Book - Shining the gospel light on the Quran: understanding and engaging Muslims
Abjar Bahkou
Book - Journeys to new life, identity, and community: empowering Jesus followers and Jamaats in Bangladesh
Peter Kwang-Hee Yun
Book - All theology is Christology: essays in honor of David P. Scaer
edited by Dean O. Wenthe [and others]
Book - Augustine's City of God: a reader's guide
Gerard O'Daly
Book - Believing philosophy: a guide to becoming a Christian philosopher
Dolores G. Morris
Book - Secular, sacred, more sacred: four calls to bridge the divide
general editors, Stuart Brooking, Paul Branch and Federico G. Villanueva
Book - The making of Martin Luther
Richard Rex
Book - One lord, two hands? essays on the theology of the two kingdoms
general editors, Matthew C. Harrison and John T. Pless
Book - No place: a desert pilgrimage
a spiritual memoir by Margie Haack; foreword by Andi Ashworth
Book - Has archaeology buried the Bible?
William G. Dever
Book - Evil and suffering in the Bible
Stephen J. Vicchio
Book - Septuaginta: Vetus Testamentum Graecum
Societatis Scientiarum Gottingensis auctoritate editum
Book - The Hebrew Bible: a critical companion
edited by John Barton
Book - The book of Lamentations
John Goldingay
Book - The God of the Old Testament: encountering the divine in Christian Scripture
R. W. L. Moberly
Book - Voices from the ruins: theodicy and the fall of Jerusalem in the Hebrew Bible
Dalit Rom-Shiloni
Book - The destruction of the Canaanites: God, genocide, & biblical interpretation
Charlie Trimm
Book - The book of Genesis: a biography
Ronald Hendel
Book - The book of Exodus: a biography
Joel S. Baden
Book - Who shall ascend the mountain of the Lord? a biblical theology of the Book of Leviticus
L. Michael Morales
Book - Preaching Christ from Leviticus: foundations for expository sermons
Sidney Greidanus
Book - Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther: restoring the church
Wallace P. Benn; R. Kent Hughes, series editor
Book - Discovering the Psalms: content, interpretation, reception
Jerome F. D. Creach
Book - A critical and exegetical commentary on Ecclesiastes
Stuart Weeks
Book - The Song of Songs: a biography
Ilana Pardes
Book - Jonah: an illustrated Hebrew reader's edition
Jessie R. Scheumann and Merissa Scheumann; illustrated by Christine Lynn Hiegel
Book - Luke-Acts in modern interpretation
Stanley E. Porter and Ron C. Fay, editors
Book - Signs of the Messiah: an introduction to John's Gospel
Andreas J. Köstenberger
Book - Pelagius: Commentaries on the thirteen epistles of Paul with the Libellus Fidei
introduced and translated by Thomas P. Scheck
Book - Romans: a theological and pastoral commentary
Michael J. Gorman
Book - Romans
David G. Peterson
Book - In view of God's mercies: the gift of the gospel in Romans
Courtney Doctor
Book - Blessed new humanity in Christ: a theology of hope for African Christianity from the book of Ephesians
Bitrus A. Sarma
Book - The Book of Revelation: a biography
Timothy Beal
Book - Revelation, four views: a parallel commentary
Steve Gregg; foreword by Dr. Robert G. Clouse
Book - Synopsis purioris theologiae = Synopsis of a purer theology
volume edititor, Dolf te Velde; translator, Riemer A. Faber; editor, Latin text, Rein Ferwerda; general editors, Willem J. van Asselt, William den Boer, Riemer A. Faber
Book - Introducing Latinx theologies
Edwin David Aponte, Miguel A. De La Torre
Book - The triune God
Fred Sanders; Michael Allen and Scott R. Swain, general editors
Book - Who do you say I am? Christology in Africa
general editors, Rodney L. Reed and David K. Ngaruiya
Book - Jesus in context: making sense of the historical figure
David Wenham
Book - Risen indeed: a historical investigation into the resurrection of Jesus
Gary R. Habermas
Book - The resurrection of Jesus: apologetics, criticism, history
Dale C. Allison, Jr.
Book - Touching the hem of his garment: Christian experiences of divine healing
Book - Faith after Ferguson: resilient leadership in pursuit of racial justice
Leah Gunning Francis
Book - All that God cares about: common grace and divine delight
Richard J. Mouw
Book - Gospel witness through the ages: a history of evangelism
David M. Gustafson
Book - Theology for psychology and counseling: an invitation to holistic Christian practice
Kutter Callaway and William B. Whitney
Book - Renewing the Church by the Spirit: theological education after Pentecost
Amos Yong
Book - Beyond profession: the next future of theological education
Daniel O. Aleshire
Book - TEE for the 21st century: tools to equip and empower God's people for his mission
edited by David Burke, Richard Brown, Qaiser Julius
Book - African American readings of Paul: reception, resistance, and transformation
Lisa M. Bowens
Book - On Christian teaching: practicing faith in the classroom
David I. Smith
Book - Thy will be done: the Ten Commandments and the Christian life
Gilbert Meilaender
Book - The lost sermons of C.H. Spurgeon: his earliest outlines and sermons between 1851 and 1854
edited with introduction and notes by Christian T. George
Book - Lutheranism vs. Calvinism: the classic debate at the Colloquy of Montbéliard 1586
translated by Clinton J. Armstrong; foreword by Jeffrey Mallinson
Book - Minutes of the ... General Assembly
Book - The Puritans: a transatlantic history
David D. Hall
Book - Theoretical-practical theology
Petrus van Mastricht; translated by Todd M. Rester; edited by Joel R. Beeke
Book - Global Calvinism: conversion and commerce in the Dutch empire, 1600-1800
Charles H. Parker
Book - The power of the church: the sacramental ecclesiology of Abraham Kuyper
Michael R. Wagenman
Book - The dawn of everything: a new history of humanity
David Graeber and David Wengrow
Book - Charles Williams: the third Inkling
Grevel Lindop
Book - A mousetrap for Darwin
Michael J. Behe
Book - Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy
Mark C. Russell and Francine Shapiro
Book - African hermeneutics
Elizabeth Mburu
E-Book - Ancient Near Eastern law
Pamela Barmash
E-Resource - Bible and visual art
Ian Boxall
E-Resource - Commentaries on the twelve prophets, Volume 1
Jerome; edited by Thomas P. Scheck
E-Book - Commentarii exegetici in Apocalypsim Ioannis Apostoli
auctore Blasio Viegas Lusitano ... in hac vltima editione recogniti, & multis in locis emendati; Cum indice gemino: altero insignium locorum sacræ scripturae ...
E-Book - Common grace: God's gifts for a fallen world. Volume 3, the practical section
Abraham Kuyper; edited by Jordan J. Ballor and J. Daryl Charles; translated by Nelson D. Kloosterman and Ed M. van der Maas; introduction by Vincent E. Bacote
E-Book - Diaspora in the New Testament
Shively Smith, Zoë Towler
E-Resource - Documents illustrative of English church history
compiled from original sources by Henry Gee and William John Hardy, F.S.A.
E-Book - Does God love everyone?
Matt McCullough
E-Book - Engaging the world with Abraham Kuyper
Michael R. Wagenman
E-Book - The first general epistle of St. John the Apostle unfolded and applied
Nathanael Hardy
E-Book - How can I find someone to disciple me?
J. Garrett Kell
E-Book - Loving God and neighbor with Samuel Pearce
Michael A.G. Haykin & Jerry Slate, Jr.
E-Book - A paraphrase and notes on the Revelation of St. John
Moses Lowman ...
E-Book - Reading scripture with the reformers
Timothy George
E-Book - Sexual violence and the Hebrew Bible
Rhiannon Graybill
E-Resource - Who chose the books of the New Testament?
Charles E. Hill; edited by D. A. Carson
E-Book - Why should I give to my church?
Jamie Dunlop
E-Book - Work and our labor in the Lord
James M. Hamilton Jr; Dane C. Ortlund and Miles V. Van Pelt, series editors
E-Book - The apocryphal New Testament: being all the gospels, epistles, and other pieces now extant, attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ, His apostles, and their companions and not included in the New Testament by its compilers: translated from the original tongues, and now first collected into one volume
E-Book - Beyond racial division: a unifying alternative to colorblindness and antiracism
George Yancey
E-Book - Biblical and theological studies: a student's guide
Michael J. Wilkins and Erik Thoennes
E-Book - Biblical interpretation and doctrinal formulation in the reformed tradition: essays in honor of James A. De Jong
edited by Arie C. Leder and Richard A. Muller
E-Book - Christianity in the twentieth century: a world history
Brian Stanley
E-Book - The church reviltalization checklist: a hopeful and practical guide for leading your congregation to a brighter tomorrow
Sam Rainer
E-Book - A commentarie upon the book of the Revelation: wherein the text is explained, the series of the several prophecies contained in that book deduced according to their order and dependance on each other: the periods and succession of times at, or about which these prophecies that are already fulfilled, began to be and were more fully accomplished, fixed and applied according to history: and those that are yet to be fulfilled modestly, and so far as is warrantable, enquired into: together with some practical observations and several digressions (an index whereof is prefixed) necessary for vindicating, clearing, and confirming many weighty and important truths: to which is affixed a brief summary of the whole Revelation, with an alphabetical index of the chief and principal purposes and words contained in this commentary
delivered in several lectures by ... Mr. James Durham
E-Book - Counseling couples in conflict: a relational restoration model
James N. Sells and Mark A. Yarhouse
E-Book - The discussion book: fifty great ways to get people talking
Stephen D. Brookfield and Stephen Preskill
E-Book - Following God fully: an introduction to the Puritans
Joel R. Beeke and Michael Reeves
E-Book - Geschichte der Entstehung: der Veränderungen und der Bildung unsers protestantischen Lehrbegriffs vom Anfang der Reformation bis zu der Einführung der Konkordienformel ...
E-Book - Geschichte der Entstehung. Dritten Bandes: der Veränderungen und der Bildung unsers protestantischen Lehrbegriffs vom Anfang der Reformation bis zu der Einführung der Konkordienformel ...
E-Book - God and the transgender debate: what does the Bible actually say about gender identity?
Andrew T. Walker; foreward by R. Albert Mohler Jr.
E-Book - Kenneth L. Pike: an evangelical mind
Boone Aldridge
E-Book - Matthew within Judaism: Israel and the Nations in the first gospel
edited by Anders Runesson and Daniel M. Gurtner
E-Book - The minor theological works of John Pearson ..: now first collected, with a memoir of the author, notes, and index
Edward Churton
E-Book - Narrative mode and theological claim in Johannine Literature: essays in honor of Gail R. O'Day
/ edited by Lynn R. Huber, Susan E. Hylen, and William M. Wright IV
E-Book - A practical commentary, or An exposition with notes on the epistle of Jude: delivered, (for the most part), in sundry weekly lectures at Stoke-Newington in Middlesex
Thomas Manton
E-Book - Sexuality in the New Testament: understanding the key texts
William Loader
E-Book - Theology is for preaching: biblical foundations, method, and practice
Chase R. Kuhn, Paul Grimmond, editors
E-Book - Theology of mission: a concise biblical theology
J.D. Payne
E-Book - Understanding children's spirituality: theology, research, and practice
edited by Kevin E. Lawson
E-Book - Workplace discipleship 101: a primer
David W. Gill
E-Book - Armilla catechetica = A chain of principles, or, An orderly concatenation of theological aphorisms and exercitations: wherein the chief heads of Christian religion are asserted and improved
John Arrowsmith
E-Book - Common grace: God's gifts for a fallen world. Volume 2, the doctrinal section