Library Acquisitions for August 2024
These are the books and e-books added to the Covenant Library in August 2024.
- Some new world: myths of supernatural belief in a secular age
Peter Harrison, University of Queensland
Book - Kingdom of rage: the rise of Christian extremism and the path back to peace
Elizabeth Neumann
Book - The false white gospel: rejecting Christian nationalism, reclaiming true faith, and refounding democracy
Jim Wallis; foreword by Eddie Glaude
Book - T&T Clark handbook of the early church
edited by Ilaria L.E. Ramelli, John Anthony McGuckin, and Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski
Book - The history of Scottish theology
edited by David Fergusson and Mark W. Elliott
Book - Dissenting daughters: reformed women in the Dutch republic, 1572-1725
Amanda Pipkin
Book - The Evangelical quadrilateral
David W. Bebbington
Book - The exvangelicals: loving, living, and leaving the white evangelical church
Sarah McCammon
Book - Sola Scriptura: Scripture's final authority in the modern world
Ben Witherington III
Book - Fountains of wisdom: in conversation with James H. Charlesworth
edited by Gerbern S. Oegema, Henry W. Morisada Rietz, and Loren T. Stuckenbruck
Book - Moms at the well: meeting God through the mothers of scripture: a 7-week Bible study experience
Tara Edelschick and Kathy Tuan-MacLean
Book - T&T Clark handbook of food in the Hebrew Bible and ancient Israel
edited by Janling Fu, Cynthia Shafer-Elliott, Carol Meyers
Book - Reading Genesis
Marilynne Robinson
Book - The king-priest in Samuel: a messianic motif
Nicholas Majors; foreword by Jason S. DeRouchie
Book - Jesus and the Gospels: an introduction and survey
Craig L. Blomberg
Book - Matthew through Old Testament eyes: a background and application commentary
David B. Capes; Andrew T. Le Peau and Seth M. Ehorn, series editors
Book - The moral life according to Mark
M. John-Patrick O'Connor
Book - John the theologian and his Paschal Gospel: a prologue to theology
John Behr
Book - Reading Acts theologically
Steve Walton
Book - Our mother Saint Paul
Beverly Roberts Gaventa
Book - Paul among the postliberals: Pauline theology beyond Christendom and modernity
Douglas Harink
Book - 2 Corinthians
Trent Casto
Book - Our brother beloved: purpose and community in Paul's letter to Philemon
Stephen E. Young
Book - The Nicene faith
John Behr
Book - Ford's The modern theologians: an introduction to christian theology since 1918
edited by Rachel E. Muers, Ashley Cocksworth
Book - Christianity as a way of life: a systematic theology
Kevin W. Hector
Book - A profound ignorance: modern pneumatology and its anti-modern redemption
Ephraim Radner
Book - Gentle and lowly: the heart of Christ for sinners and sufferers
Dane Ortlund
Book - T&T Clark handbook of suffering and the problem of evil
edited by Matthias Grebe and Johannes Grössl
Book - Vessels of wrath
Richard M. Blaylock; foreword by Thomas R. Schreiner
Book - Naming God: addressing the divine in philosophy, theology and scripture
Janet Soskice, University of Cambridge
Book - T&T Clark handbook of election
edited by Edwin Chr. van Driel
Book - Evangelical worship: an American mosaic
Melanie C. Ross
Book - Not so with you: power and leadership for the church
edited by Mark Stirling and Mark Meynell
Book - Pentecostalism, postmodernism, and reformed epistemology: James K. A. Smith and the contours of a postmodern Christian epistemology
Yoon Shin; foreword by J. Aaron Simmons
Book - A companion to the book of common prayer
Gerald Bray
Book - Men in marriage: your wife wants to have a relationship with you
ǂc Timothy Galvin, MSW
Book - Beyond outrage: vetting media to increase sensibility and stability
Michael W. Philliber
Book - Cosmic connections: poetry in the age of disenchantment
Charles Taylor
Book - On speaking well: how to give a speech with style, substance, and clarity
Peggy Noonan
Book - Anguished English: [an anthology of accidental assaults upon our language]
Richard Lederer; illustrations by Bill Thompson
Book - Pastoral virtues for artificial intelligence: care and the algorithms that guide our lives
Jaco J. Hamman
Book - Clinical handbook of couple therapy
edited by Jay L. Lebow, Douglas K. Snyder
Book - Working with spiritual struggles in psychotherapy: from research to practice
Kenneth I. Pargament, Julie J. Exline
Book - Begotten or made?
Oliver O'Donovan
Book - 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus
Robert W Wall
eBook - 1 Peter
Joel B Green
eBook - 1 and 2 Thessalonians
Andy Johnson
eBook - 1-3 John
Thomas Andrew Bennett
eBook - 2 Peter and Jude
Ruth Reece
eBook - A Commentary on the Book of Exodus
eBook - A Commentary on the Book of Leviticus
eBook - A Commentary on the Book of Ruth
eBook - A New Heart
eBook - A Promise of Hope: A Call to Obedience
eBook - Abraham and All the Families of the Earth
eBook - At Risk in the Promised Land
eBook - Chronological and background charts of church history
Robert C. Walton
eBook - Colossians and Philemon
Marianne Meye Thompson
eBook - Commentary on Exodus
eBook - Daniel
eBook - Ecclesiastes
eBook - Eerdmans commentary on the Bible
James D.G. Dunn, editor of the New Testament; John W. Rogerson, editor of the Old Testament and Apocrypha
eBook - Ezra and Nehemiah
eBook - From Eden to Babel
eBook - Genesis
eBook - God's people in crisis: a commentary on the book of Amos and Lamentations \\ by R. Martin-Achard and S. Paul Re’emi
eBook - Grace Abounding
eBook - Habakkuk
eBook - Hosea
eBook - Isaiah 40-55
eBook - Isaiah 40-66
eBook - Israel Alive Again
eBook - Israel Among the Nations
eBook - Job
eBook - Job 1-21
eBook - Jonah
eBook - Joshua
eBook - Joshua
eBook - Journeying With God
eBook - Judges
eBook - Justice and Loyalty
eBook - Lamentations
eBook - Let Us Be Like the Nations
eBook - Luke
F Scott Spencer
eBook - Matthew
Jeannine K Brown and Kyle Roberts
eBook - Micah
eBook - Nations Under God
eBook - Paul's Letter to the Philippians
Gordon D. Fee
eBook - Paul's Letter to the Romans
Colin G. Kruse
eBook - Philippians
Stephen E. Fowl
eBook - Proverbs
eBook - Psalms
eBook - Rebuilding with Hope
eBook - Revelation
John Christopher Thomas and Frank D. Macchia
eBook - Revelation of God
eBook - Ruth
eBook - Song of Songs
eBook - The Acts of the Apostles
David G. Peterson
eBook - The Anchor Yale Bible dictionary. Volume 1, A-C
David Noel Freedman, editor-in-chief; associate editors, Gary A. Herion, David F. Graf, John David Pleins; managing editor, Astrid B. Beck
eBook - The Anchor Yale Bible dictionary. Volume 2, D-G
David Noel Freedman, editor-in-chief; associate editors, Gary A. Herion, David F. Graf, John David Pleins; managing editor, Astrid B. Beck
eBook - The Anchor Yale Bible dictionary. Volume 3, H-J
David Noel Freedman, editor-in-chief; associate editors, Gary A. Herion, David F. Graf, John David Pleins; managing editor, Astrid B. Beck
eBook - The Anchor Yale Bible dictionary. Volume 4, K-N
David Noel Freedman, editor-in-chief; associate editors, Gary A. Herion, David F. Graf, John David Pleins; managing editor, Astrid B. Beck
eBook - The Anchor Yale Bible dictionary. Volume 5, O-Sh
David Noel Freedman, editor-in-chief; associate editors, Gary A. Herion, David F. Graf, John David Pleins; managing editor, Astrid B. Beck
eBook - The Anchor Yale Bible dictionary. Volume 6, Si-Z
David Noel Freedman, editor-in-chief; associate editors, Gary A. Herion, David F. Graf, John David Pleins; managing editor, Astrid B. Beck
eBook - The Book of Amos
eBook - The Book of Deuteronomy
eBook - The Book of Deuteronomy, Chapters 1-11
eBook - The Book of Ecclesiastes
eBook - The Book of Ezekiel
eBook - The Book of Ezekiel
eBook - The Book of Genesis: Chapters 18-50
eBook - The Book of Genesis: Chapters 1–17
eBook - The Book of Hosea
eBook - The Book of Isaiah
eBook - The Book of Isaiah
eBook - The Book of Jeremiah
eBook - The Book of Jeremiah
eBook - The Book of Job
eBook - The Book of Joshua
eBook - The Book of Judges
eBook - The Book of Leviticus
eBook - The Book of Numbers
eBook - The Book of Numbers
eBook - The Book of Proverbs: Chapters 15–31/
eBook - The Book of Proverbs: Chapters 1–15
eBook - The Book of Psalms
eBook - The Book of Revelation
Robert H. Mounce
eBook - The Book of Ruth
eBook - The Book of Ruth
eBook - The Book of Zechariah
eBook - The Book of the Acts
F. F. Bruce
eBook - The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah
eBook - The Books of Haggai and Malachi
eBook - The Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah
eBook - The Books of Joel, Obadiah, and Jonah
eBook - The Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah
eBook - The Epistle to the Hebrews
Gareth Lee Cockerill
eBook - The Epistles of John
I. Howard Marshall
eBook - The First Book of Samuel
eBook - The First Epistle of Peter
Peter H. Davids
eBook - The First Epistle to the Corinthians, Revised Edition
Gordon D. Fee
eBook - The First Letter to the Corinthians
Brian S Rosner
eBook - The First and Second Letters to Timothy, Volume 1
Jerome D. Quinn and William C Wacker
eBook - The First and Second Letters to Timothy, Volume 2
Jerome D. Quinn and William C Wacker
eBook - The First and Second Letters to the Thessalonians
Gordon D. Fee
eBook - The Gospel according to John
D. A. Carson
eBook - The Gospel according to Luke
James R. Edwards
eBook - The Gospel according to Mark
James R. Edwards
eBook - The Gospel according to Matthew
Leon Morris
eBook - The Gospel and Letters of John, Volume 1
Urban C. Von Wahlde
eBook - The Gospel and Letters of John, Volume 2
Urban C. Von Wahlde
eBook - The Gospel and Letters of John, Volume 3
Urban C. Von Wahlde
eBook - The Gospel of John
J. Ramsey Michaels
eBook - The Gospel of Luke
Joel B. Green
eBook - The Gospel of Mark
William L. Lane
eBook - The Gospel of Matthew
R. T. France
eBook - The Gospel of Matthew, Volume 1: Matthew 1-13
Walter T. Wilson
eBook - The Gospel of Matthew, Volume 2: Matthew 14-28
Walter T. Wilson
eBook - The Letter of James
Scot McKnight
eBook - The Letter to Philemon
Markus Barth
eBook - The Letter to Philemon
Scot Mcknight
eBook - The Letter to the Colossians
Scot McKnight
eBook - The Letter to the Ephesians
Constantine R. Campbell
eBook - The Letter to the Ephesians
Lynn H. Cohick
eBook - The Letter to the Galatians
David A. Desilva
eBook - The Letter to the Philippians
G. Walter Hansen
eBook - The Letter to the Romans, 2nd ed .
Douglas J. Moo
eBook - The Letters of 2 Peter and Jude
Peter H. Davids
eBook - The Letters of John
Colin G. Kruse
eBook - The Letters to Timothy and Titus
Philip H. Towner
eBook - The Letters to Timothy and Titus
Robert W Yarbrough
eBook - The Letters to the Colossians and to Philemon
Douglas J. Moo
eBook - The Letters to the Thessalonians
Gene L Green
eBook - The Lord is Savior: Faith in National Crisis
eBook - The New Israel
eBook - The Psalms
eBook - The Psalms
eBook - The Second Book of Samuel
eBook - The Second Epistle to the Corinthians
Paul Barnett
eBook - The Second Letter to the Corinthians
Mark A Seifrid
eBook - Who Knows What is Good?
eBook - Word And Presence
eBook - Wrath and Mercy