Library Acquisitions for August 2022
These are the books and e-books added to the Covenant Library in August 2022.
- Duns Scotus: by C.R.S. Harris
Book - Social and emotional development in early intervention: a skills guide for working with children
Mona Delahooke
Book - A therapist's guide to child development: the extraordinarily normal years
edited by Dee C. Ray
Book - Brainstorm: the power and purpose of the teenage brain
Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.
Book - Darwin strikes back: defending the science of intelligent design
Thomas Woodward; [foreword by William Dembski]
Book - Writings on the apocalypse
Cassiodorus, St. Gregory the Great, and anonymous Greek scholia; translated by Francis X. Gumerlock, Mark DelCogliano, and T.C. Schmidt
Book - The secular creed: engaging five contemporary claims
Rebecca McLaughlin
Book - How to be a patriotic Christian: love of country as love of neighbor
Richard J. Mouw
Book - Encyclopedia of the Bible and its reception
ed. by Hans-Josef Klauck [and others]
Book - The Oxford handbook of the Bible in early modern England, c. 1530-1700
edited by Kevin Killeen, Helen Smith, and Rachel Willie
Book - Romans
James D.G. Dunn
Book - From prisoner to prince: the Joseph story in biblical theology
Samuel Emadi
Book - Redemptive kingdom diversity: a biblical theology of the people of God
Jarvis J. Williams
Book - The biblical world of gender: the daily lives of ancient women and men
edited by Celina Durgin and Dru Johnson
Book - The Oxford handbook of the Septuagint
edited by Alison G. Salvesen and Timothy Michael Law
Book - The Oxford handbook of the historical books of the Hebrew Bible
edited by Brad E. Kelle and Brent A. Strawn
Book - From paradise to the promised land: an introduction to the Pentateuch
T. Desmond Alexander
Book - An introduction to the Greek New Testament produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge
Dirk Jongkind
Book - Rethinking the dates of the New Testament: the evidence for early composition
Jonathan Bernier
Book - Luke: an introduction and commentary
Nicholas Perrin
Book - The Gospel and the Gospels: Christian proclamation and early Jesus books
Simon Gathercole
Book - In the fullness of time: an introduction to the biblical theology of Acts and Paul
Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.; foreword by Sinclair B. Ferguson
Book - The apocalyptic Paul: retrospect and prospect
Jamie Davies; foreword by John Barclay
Book - Paul and his letters: thinking with Josephus
F. B. A. Asiedu
Book - 1 Peter
Ruth Anne Reese, Asbury Theological Seminary
Book - Twentieth century Anglican theologians: from Evelyn Underhill to Esther Mombo
edited by Stephen Burns, Bryan Cones, and James Tengatenga
Book - Tradition and apocalypse: an essay on the future of Christian belief
David Bentley Hart
Book - Kingdom prologue
Meredith G. Kline
Book - The quest for the Trinity: the doctrine of God in scripture, history, and modernity
Stephen R. Holmes
Book - Rediscovering the Holy Spirit: God's perfecting presence in creation, redemption, and everyday life
Michael Horton
Book - Seed of promise: the sufferings and glory of the messiah; essays in honor of T. Desmond Alexander
editors: Paul R. Williamson, Rita F. Cefalu
Book - Atonement: soundings in biblical, Trinitarian, and spiritual theology
Margaret M. Turek
Book - Embodied: living as whole people in a fractured world
Gregg R. Allison
Book - On death
Timothy Keller
Book - The restitution of all things
William W. Pym
Book - Creeds, confessions, and catechisms: a readers's edition
edited by Chad Van Dixhoorn
Book - Build on Jesus: a comprehensive guide to gospel-based children's ministry
Deepak Reju & Marty Machowski
Book - Protecting children from abuse in the church: steps to prevent and respond
Basyle Tchividjian
Book - World Christianity and the unfinished task: a very short introduction
F. Lionel Young III; foreword by Muthuraj Swamy
Book - Effective intercultural evangelism: good news in a diverse world
W. Jay Moon and W. Bud Simon
Book - Authentic ministry: serving from the heart
Michael Reeves
Book - Letters to a young theologian
edited by Henco van der Westhuizen
Book - Shaky ground: what to do after the bottom drops out
Traci Rhoades
Book - The great quest: invitation to an examined life and a sure path to meaning
Os Guinness
Book - Bridging theory and practice in children's spirituality: new directions for education, ministry, and discipleship
Mimi L. Larson and Robert J. Keeley, editors
Book - God's very good idea: a true story about God's delightfully different family
written by Trillia Newbell; illustrated by Catalina Echeverri
Book - Before you lose your faith: deconstructing doubt in the church
edited by Ivan Mesa
Book - Yearbook of the Presbyterian Church in America
Book - The Westminster Standards in Modern English
edited by Kevin J. Bidwell
Book - Well ordered, living well: a field guide to Presbyterian church government
Guy Prentiss Waters
Book - An explorer's guide to John Calvin
Yudha Thianto
Book - Faith unfeigned: four sermons concerning matters most useful for the present time with a brief exposition of Psalm 87
John Calvin; translated into English by Robert White
Book - Strange new world: how thinkers and activists redefined identity and sparked the sexual revolution
Carl R. Trueman, foreword by Ryan T. Anderson
Book - The magna carta of humanity: Sinai's revolutionary faith and the future of freedom
Os Guinness
Book - A marriage of equals: how to achieve balance in a committed relationship
Catherine E. Aponte, Psy.D.
Book - After the affair: healing the pain and rebuilding trust when a partner has been unfaithful
Janis Abrahms Spring, Ph. D; with Michael Spring
Book - A supreme love: the music of jazz and the hope of the gospel
William Edgar
Book - Parents as partners in child therapy: a clinician's guide
Paris Goodyear-Brown
Book - The complete works of Thomas Brooks
edited with memoir by Alexander B. Grosart
E-Book - Ecclesiology in reformed perspective
Billy Kristanto
E-Book - Hugo Grotius de veritate religionis Christianæ
E-Book - Letters to the Rev. William E. Channing, D.D., on the existence and agency of fallen spirits
E-Book - The Lord's Supper as the sign and meal of the New Covenant
Guy Prentiss Waters
E-Book - A practical discourse concerning a future judgment
William Sherlock, D.D Dean of St. Paul's, master of the Temple, and chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty
E-Book - A practical discourse concerning death
Will. Sherlock ...
E-Book - The restitution of all things
William W. Pym
E-Book - The rule and exercises of holy dying
Jeremy Taylor
E-Book - A view of the evidences of Christianity
William Paley ...
E-Book - The works of the Right Reverend Father in God, Joseph Butler, D.C.L., late Lord Bishop of Durham ...
to which is prefixed an account of the character and writings of the author by Samuel Halifax
E-Book - The blessedness of the righteous opened: and further recommended from the consideration of the vanity of this mortal life in two treatises, on Psalm XVII, 15, Psalm LXXXIX, 47
E-Book - Collection development in theological libraries: abiding principles and emerging practices
edited by Carisse Mickey Berryhill
E-Book - Colossians and Philemon: an introduction and commentary
Alan J. Thompson
E-Book - A dialogue between Timothy and Philatheus: In which the principles and projects of a late whimsical book, intituled: The rights of the Christian church, &c., are fairly stated, and answered in their kind, and some attempts made towards the discovery of a new way of reasoning, intirely unknown both to the ancient and modern
written by a layman
E-Book - Essays on the recollections: which are to subsist between earthly friends reunited in the world to come, and on other subjects connected with religion and in part with prophecy
Thomas Gisborne
E-Book - The fulfilment of prophecy farther illustrated by the signs of the times, or, An attempt to ascertain the probable issues of the recent restoration of the old dynasties, of the revival of popery ..: as likewise, how far Great Britain is likely to share in the calamities by which divine providence will accomplish the final overthrow of the kingdoms of the Roman monarchy
J. Bicheno ...
E-Book - Infidelity: comprising Jenyns' Internal evidence, Leslie's Method, Lyttelton's Conversion of Paul, Watson's Reply to Gibbon and Paine, A notice of Hume on miracles, and An extract from West on the resurrection
E-Book - Integration as integrity: the Christian therapist as peacemaker
Cameron Lee, PhD; contributors, Terry D. Hargrave, Pamela Ebstyne King, Miyoung Yoon Hammer
E-Book - Jesus and disability: a guide to creating an inclusive church
Chris H. Hulshof
E-Book - Living life backward: how Ecclesiastes teaches us to live in light of the end
David Gibson
E-Book - The magna carta of humanity: Sinai's revolutionary faith and the future of freedom
Os Guinness
E-Book - Natural religion insufficient; and reveal'd necessary to man's happiness in his present state: or, A rational enquiry into the principles of the modern deists: wherein is largely discovered their utter insufficiency to answer the great ends of religion, and the weakness of their pleadings for the sufficiency of nature's light to eternal happiness: and particularly the writings of the learn'd Lord Herbert ... are consider'd, and fully answer'd: to which treatise are annex'd several essays upon other subjects
the late Reverend Mr. Thomas Halyburton ...
E-Book - No longer strangers: transforming evangelism with immigrant communities
edited by Eugene Cho and Samira Izadi Page
E-Book - A plea for religion and the sacred writings: addressed to the disciples of Thomas Paine, and wavering Christians of every persuasion. With an appendix, containing the author's determination to have relinquished his charge in the established church, and the reasons on which that determination was founded
the Rev. David Simpson
E-Book - A practical discourse concerning a future judgment: under the following heads: viz. I. The proof of a future judgment ... VIII. The conclusion
William Sherlock, D.D. Late Dean of St. Paul's
E-Book - Qualitative research: a multi-methods approach to projects for Doctor of Ministry theses
Tim Sensing
E-Book - The reasons of the Christian religion: The first part, of godliness: proving by natural evidence the being of God ... The second part, of Christianity: proving by evidence supernatural and natural, the certain truth of the Christian belief ... First meditated for the well-setling of his own belief; and now published for the benefit of others
Richard Baxter. ... Also an appendix, defending the soul's immortality ...
E-Book - Speaking across generations: messages that satisfy boomers, Xers, millennials, Gen Z, and beyond
Darrell E. Hall; foreword by Haydn Shaw
E-Book - A supplement to the first and second volumes of the View of the deistical writers: containing additions and illustrations relating to those volumes in several letters to a friend: to which is added, Reflections on the late Lord Bolingbroke's Letters on the study and use of history, as far as relates to the Holy Scriptures. By John Leland, D.D
E-Book - The symphony of mission: playing your part in God's work in the world
Michael W. Goheen and Jim Mullins
E-Book - A treatise on the millennium, or, Latter-day glory of the church: compiled principally from the productions of late eminent writers upon that subject, to which is added, further remarks and notes by the compiler
Ray Potter
E-Book - The true nature of imposture fully display'd in the life of Mahomet: With a discourse annex'd for the vindication of Christianity from this charge. Offered to the consideration of the deists of the present age
Humphrey Prideaux
E-Book - A view of the expected Christian millennium: which is promised in the Holy Scriptures, and is believed to be nigh its commencement, and must transpire before the conflagration of the heavens and the earth: embellished with a chart, of the dispensations from Abraham to the end of time
Josiah Priest
E-Book - A view of the principal deistical writers that have appeared in England in the last and present century: with observations upon them, and some account of the answers that have been published against them: in several letters to a friend
John Leland, D.D.
E-Book - A vindication of some truths of natural and revealed religion: in answer to the false reasoning of Mr. James Foster, on various subjects ..: to which is added, A dialogue between a Calvinist, a Socinian, an Arminian, a Baxterian, and a Deist ..: in this dialogue, the reader may clearly discover the small difference there is between Baxterianism, and Arminianism, and how Arminianism leads to Socinianism, and that to Deism
John Brine
E-Book - The voice of the Bible: the verdict of reason: a sermon upon the reasonableness of the doctrine of the future eternal punishment of those who die impenitent: preached in the Pine Street Church in Boston on Sabbaths, June 20 and 27, 1858
H.M. Dexter
E-Book - The world to come, or, Discourses on the joys or sorrows of departed souls at death: and the glory or terror of the resurrection: to which is prefixed, an essay toward the proof of a separate state of souls after death
E-Book - The doctrine of eternal misery [electronic resource]: reconcileable with the infinite benevolence of God, and a truth plainly asserted in the Christian Scriptures [electronic resource]
Nathan Strong, Pastor of the North Presbyterian Church in Hartford
E-Book - The history of the Apostles Creed: with critical observations on its several articles
E-Book - A brief guide to new testament interpretation: history, methods, and practical examples
Roy A. Harrisville; foreword by Roy A. Harrisville III
E-Book - Ancient literature and philosophy of religion: comparative research in the West's most sacred texts
Joel Steele
E-Book - Because he loves me: how Christ transforms our daily life
Elyse M. Fitzpatrick
E-Book - The long journey home: understanding and ministering to the sexually abused: a collaborative address from psychology, theology, and pastoral care
edited by Andrew J. Schmutzer
E-Book - In sheep's clothing: understanding and dealing with manipulative people
George K. Simon, Jr., Ph. D
E-Book - Character disturbance: the phenomenon of our age
Dr. George Simon
E-Book - What is a girl worth? my story of breaking the silence and exposing the truth about Larry Nassar and USA gymnastics
Rachael Denhollander
E-Book - Domestic abuse: help for the sufferer
Darby A. Strickland
E-Book - Domestic abuse: recognize, respond, rescue
Darby A. Strickland
E-Book - God's healing for life's losses: how to find hope when you're hurting
Robert W. Kellemen
E-Book - Reformed ethics. Volume 1, created, fallen, and converted humanity
Herman Bavinck; edited by John Bolt; with Jessica Joustra, Nelson D. Kloosterman, Antoine Theron, Dirk Van Keulen
E-Book - Masters or slaves? AI and the future of humanity
Jeremy Peckham
E-Book - Greek pedagogy in crisis: a pedagogical analysis and assessment of New Testament Greek in twenty-first-century theological education
David R. Miller; foreword by David Alan Black
E-Book - The glory of God and Paul: text, themes and theology
Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson
E-Book - George Matheson and mysticism: a biographical study: mysticism in the Scottish Presbyterian tradition
Scott S. McKenna
E-Book - Discerning welcome: a reformed faith approach to refugees
Ellen Clark Clemot
E-Book - Renowned--but..: the church of Corinth in the first century AD and its relevance for the twenty-first-century church
Murray J. Harris