Getting Ready for a New Library System

The Library is getting a new library system after the spring semester ends, but work on the migration is already underway. Exciting new things are coming but there is much work to be done in the meantime. Find out more and see a timeline of the process on our library system migration site.

How Long Will the Migration Take?

The migration is a multi-step process that began last summer. Final data extracts will take place late in the spring semester and the new system will be launched on May 22.

Can I Still Check Out Books While the Migration is Happening?

Yes, anyone with a Covenant library account will be able to check out books from our collection throughout the migration. (There will be a brief time right before launch when transactions will be recorded manually, but you will still be able to check out books.)

Item requests and on-site borrowing from partner MOBIUS libraries will be suspended on April 18 until the migration is complete.


Introducing Covenant Discovery


Planned Network Outage